Pastries and Plans

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Third Person POV: (In Adrien and Marinette's room)

Marinette slipped on her sandals and grabbed her purse from the dresser.

Adrien started to wake up from the noise.

"Leaving me already, Princess?" He mumbled, trying to flirt with her.

She turned around and saw that she had woke him up.

"My bad, Adrien.. I didn't mean to wake you. The girls and I are going to go to a cafe that Mylene and Alix found. They say it looks pretty good." She explained.

Adrien stretched and let out a low yawn.

"Hm.. Okay. Bring me back a donut if you can." He smirked, slipping back underneath the covers.

Marinette smiled and walked out of the bedroom.

Third Person POV: (At the cafe)

"Alright girls! Listen up. Marinette has some news.." Alya announced, taking her seat at the table.

"Ooh! What do you have to tell us now, Marinette!"  Rose cheered excitedly.

"You better not be pregnant.." Alix mumbled, taking a sip of her frappuccino.

The girls froze and their eyes widened.

"OH MY GOD! SHE'S PREGNANT GIRLS!" Mylene screeched.

"I KNEW IT!" Rose cheered throwing her hands up in the air.

"Wait.. I was right?" Alix said with a blank expression.

"No! She's not fucking pregnant guys.. Marinette tell them." Alya said with a slight smile.

"I told Adrien that I loved him..."

"And he said that he loved me back!" Marinette squealed with a bright smile.

The girls froze with their mouths wide open..

"OH MY GOD! FINALLY!" Rose yelled with excitement.

"About damn time.." Juleka said under her breath.

"Are you guys a thing now? What's the status..?" Mylene asked.

"No.. there's no label.."

"That's why we're here. What do you girls think I should do?" Marinette groaned while slouching back in her chair.

The girls took a second to think.

"I think you should wait. See how things go now that you've both expressed how you feel." Alya suggested.

"I think you should date! Then get married! And have 3 kids!" Rose yelped holding her hands to her heart.

The girls stared at her with no context..

"Or take it slow.. your choice.." She continued awkwardly.

"I think you should be friends with benefits and see where that goes.." Alix mumbled while swiping on her phone.

"I agree with Alix. Taking it slow is usually the best option." Mylene followed.

"So that's the plan.."

"Taking things slow... friends with benefits... no labels.. just a lot of sex.." Marinette elaborated.

"Sounds good to me. What's the worst that could happen? Luka isn't in the picture anymore.. so that's not a problem." Alya said.

The girls finished up their food and drinks. Marinette grabbed a donut for Adrien and they headed back to the airbnb.

(Back at the house)

"Guys we're back!" Alya announced closing the door behind her.

"Finally! I can't believe you guys left us here with these bozos.." Chloe complained from the living room.

"We tried waking you up, but you were out like a light." Mylene said.

"Try harder next time, I don't fucking know." Chloe continued.

"Where are the guys?" Marinette asked looking around.

"They're up in the loft playing video games." Sabrina replied.

"NINO! THERE'S SOMEONE ON ME! HELP!" Kim screamed from upstairs.


"GOD YOU GUYS FUCKING SUCK!" Ivan complained.

The girls stared at them from downstairs..

"I hate them.." Alya mumbled under her breath.

Sorry for the short chapter. It's way past when I said I'd release.

I didn't want to keep you guys waiting so I'm posting two chapters right now and I'm going to finish this last one while you guys read.

Hope you guys are enjoying, and thank you for being so patient and understanding!

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