20 Hour Flight to Hawaii

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Third Person POV:

18 hours have passed since they've boarded the plane. It's been a pretty easy flight for the most part. Alya and Nino even snuck a quickie in the small ass airplane bathroom. No one noticed though. They've been eating airplane peanuts and drinking tiny cups of water and soda for the past 18 hours. The four were pretty hangry at this point.

"2 more hours of flight ladies and gentlemen!" cheered the flight attendants over the speakers.

"Thank god!" Alya sighed with relief.

Marinette was asleep on Adrien's shoulder while he listened to music on his airpods.

Nino was dead asleep against the airplane window.

Adrien's POV:

She's so cute when she sleeps. Her hair smells so good too. I can't wait to spend these next two months with her. We all really needed this trip.

Third Person POV:

He picked up her limp hand and gave it a soft kiss. Marinette slowly opened her sleepy eyes. The plane was dim, and their window glew behind the cover. She sat up, rubbed her eyes, and let out a soft yawn.

"Morning Beautiful." Adrien whispered with a soft smile.

Marinette woke up real quick after that comment. She tried to ignore it, and pull it together.

"What time is it?" She asked in a drowsy voice.

"It's 9 in the morning, and were now in tomorrow." Adrien joked.

Marinette giggled and took a deep breath. She turned his way and stared him in his eyes. She started to study his face. His bold green eyes, his beautiful long lashes, and his plump lips. She started to remember why she fell so hard the first time. Adrien stared at her right back. Her deep blue eyes, her soft pink cheeks, and her little button nose. Adrien fought the urge to kiss her. He felt comfort in her presence. He wasn't planning on leaving her alone this whole trip.

Sorry for the short chapter!

I know it's taking forever to get to the smut. It'll be here soon!

Hope you're enjoying so far.

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