Chapter 17

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Amy: Rookie? Rookie? Wolf, where are you?

Me: I... I... I don't know, Amy. I'm in some kind of room. Pitch-black, that's all I know. I can't move, I'm either cuffed or chained by my arm on something heavy or firmly planted. Just forget about me now.

Amy: W-We can send someone to-


The line went quiet for about a minute or so. I don't know, it felt like an hour. I just growled at myself and sighed softly.

Me: Sorry for shouting, Amelia. It's just... save the world without me. I'm not going anywhere. I know it. Prisoner of war, I guess.

Amy: Well, CJ wanted me to tell you that he's worried.

Me: Tell the little man that he needs to be strong, and if he believes hard enough, I could come home. I don't know where I am or why I'm here, so tell him I'm fine, just confused.

Amy: Alright. I'll tell him.

CJ: Tell me what, Amy?

Amy: Charlie! Get your head out of the conversation.

CJ: I want to talk to big brother.

Me: CJ, I'm okay, big guy, I'm just very confused on where I am now. I had an encounter with Infinite and I was warped somewhere by his powers.

Amy: Oh. That clears some things up. But we have the other girls, the two twins, working for us now.

Me: And Daniel and Taylor?

Amy: Hybrid's doing as well as he can, and the mute's in Mystic Jungle. She was helping doing some recon work. Speaking of, might as well check in. We'll have to stop talking with you for now.

Me: Go on then. I'll see you when I can. Over and out.

The line went dead as I kept my head down low and started thinking terrible thoughts. Thoughts of being alone. Thoughts of rejection, pain, hate, regret. I tucked my knees as close as they could have gotten and started shedding tears. I sobbed and cried and cussed so much I don't even know what I said, until I was told to shut up by someone with a powerful voice. So I did.

I sat in the lonely darkness for I don't know how long, until the lights flicked on and I could see my room. And I could instantly tell it was some form of torture room. A chair with tie-down straps, a table with an assortment of things, and dried blood staining both the floor and the wall, for some reason. And who else to lurk in the corner, but the maskless Jackal Infinite himself?

Me: Well, isn't this just SWELL? Thought I wouldn't see you again until I had your head on the end of a bayonet.

Infinite: You'll not have my head any time soon. For now, come have a seat. Oh wait, your chains are still on.

My chain busted right off my arm, and I stood to my feet and looked at my wounded arm. Stitched up and not bleeding anymore, but still had some dried blood on it.

I walked over to the chair and fell down into it as the Jackal strapped me in for the long ride of torturous Hell. He rummaged through some things on the table next to me and came back into my view with a pair of pliers and twirled them in his hand like a butterfly knife. Also, he chucked my headset to the side of the room.

Infinite: Have any loose teeth, Rookie?

Me: I don't believe I do. I do know I still have all of my wisdom teeth. Might as well be a dentist and remove them.

Infinite: You have the audacity to insult a high-paying career in the life force? That deserves a tooth rip.

Me: Then do it, bitch. I know you're too scared to.

Eyes Of A Rookie (Infinite and Rookie)Where stories live. Discover now