Chapter 6

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I drearily opened my eyes and realized I was in a hospital bed. Not really. I was just in the infirmary, trying to process what the fuck happened to me. I don't know what I was doing, but it wasn't good.

Daniel: Well, Well, Well. Looks like you're here with me.

I looked over at him. He gestured to his leg.

Daniel: Fuck bear traps, man. They suck. I've been caught in more of those than how many relationships I've been in.

I tried to laugh, but I only twitched. Okay, a little bit of sound came out of me.

Daniel: Soo, there's good news and terrible news. Which do you want first?

I tried telling him good news, but I couldn't even speak. I gave him a thumbs up, instead.

Daniel: That's What I was afraid of. Well, good news is you're still alive. Terrible news is that Travis is alive, and as for you, you... I don't know how to tell you this, but... you can't talk anymore.

I looked away from him and down at the floor.

Daniel: Look, Liam. It's not so bad when you think about it.

I flipped him off.

Daniel: Bastard. Anyways, I want to talk with you about what everyone else is doing right now.

I glared at him.

Daniel: Look. You don't need to be pissed off at me for the wound in your neck. Settle a bit. So, you know that Vector, Espio, and Charmy are part of the Chaotix group, right?

I nodded slightly.

Daniel: Well, them, along with Taylor... I should fill you in on what's happening first, shouldn't I?

I reached for my mask, only realizing that I didn't have it on. I just chuckled.

Daniel: Hey. At least you can laugh. Now then, there's good news. Sonic's alive.

I did the old "rly" thing with my hand.

Daniel: I'm not lying. He is in fact alive. Those four are going to grab a shuttle from Chemical Plant to get to the Death Egg. Sound familiar?

I nodded again.

Daniel: Once they get the shuttle, they'll bring it back here, where one of us will get on to help Travis.

I gave him the "rly" text in sign language again.

Daniel: Yes. Really. Now, I don't want to stay back, but with my leg being completely mangled and torn open, with nothing but small sutures keeping it contained, I'm not in any condition to fight. You, on the other hand... even though you can't talk right now, you're still in a better condition than me.

Silver: Actually, you're BOTH not in the best condition to fight.

We looked at him. He stood in the doorway, holding a tray of delicious smelling brownies.

Daniel: Are those for me?

Silver: Look, Guys. You aren't ready to leave your beds yet.

Daniel: Dickweed.

Silver: I can throw you out of here and into the dumpster out back.

Daniel: Alright. Why aren't we able to fight?

Silver walked over to the stand that was in between me and Daniel and set the tray down.

Silver: Well, your leg wound needs to heal up before you do ANYTHING with it. As for Liam, he lost a lot of blood. I can tell he's weak from that. Travis is your crazy friend, right?

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