Chapter 2

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Day 97:

It's been four months since I joined my fellow Mobians in the fight for our city. We had used Daniel's old house as a headquarters for planning out our attacks and recon missions. Most of us are survivors of the start of the takeover. Some other, fearful friends joined us later. We formed a group of about 100 survivors, but only a few of us are skilled in marksmanship or medical care. I am neither.

Now, it's all gone to shit. Some of us, a small group of ten, went on a recon mission to the center of the city, but they haven't come back yet. It's been three hours since then, and even though I don't really get my emotions involved, I'm starting to worry about them. Everyone is counting on them, but we can't get them back here in time. I may need to drop my notebook right now. I fear that... maybe I need to get my hands dirty.

I'm only used for reconnaissance and medical support. Not fighting. I can barely hold the pistol that's in my holster right now, mostly because I fear that it will misfire and hit one of us. But I do have some medicinal skills. Morgan and Ivy, the two dark brown retriever twins in the corner, taught me how to do medicine. They weren't older than 17, Morgan only being three minutes older, but she acts so immature sometimes. I actually caught her taking one of the only things of morphine I had in my rough sewn satchel. I was able to resupply it, though.

Daniel and Taylor always get along with the fellow assault troopers, but me? I just sit alone. I can't open myself up to strangers that I can barely trust, but then again... I HAVE to trust them, and they have to trust me. I should open up more. See who needs what. I think that I'll talk to the twins. Maybe get some pointers on how to effectively use my medical skills. And, I've always wanted to try to play Poker. I see them play all the time, and, I shit you not, they are GOOD at calling bluffs. I'll ask them if they can teach me later.

???: Whatcha doing there, Support Medic?

I shut my notebook and looked up at the voice. It was Morgan, the older of the twins. You can barely tell them apart just by looking at them, but you can tell because of their eyes. Morgan has deep blue eyes, while Ivy has bright green.

Me: Hey, Morgan.

Morgan: Whatcha working on?

Me: It's my notebook I'm using as a diary. I already have 97 days in this, and I'm starting to get sick and tired of this war. I can't even walk outside anymore, mostly because of whatever's going on right now. I can't even eat an ice cream.

Morgan: That's What I'm missing now. A nice, big bowl of sherbet.

Me: I like sherbet. Cookie dough, too.

Morgan: Eh. Not a fan of cookie dough.

She sat down right next to me and ran her hand through my hair. My foot started tapping, and I rested my head on her shoulder.

Morgan: You like that, Liam?

Me: Oh, yeah. That's the spot.

???: Could you two NOT do that now?

We both looked at Daniel, who stood not a foot away from us, holding his handmade Assault Rifle over his shoulder. Morgan pulled her hand off of my head.

Me: What's going on now?

Daniel: We need medics. And frankly, you two and Ivy are the only qualified ones here. You're needed in the middle of the city.

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