Chapter 9

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Pushing open the big metal door to the Resistance base, my first instinct was to walk right up to Shadow and sign him if he saw Travis or not in the time I was away helping Sonic. He leaned up against a stack of crates and adjusted his spikes.

Shadow: Last I heard, he took off hours ago. I don't think he returned yet. Let's be lucky he doesn't. As for his little sister, she's... well, she's not doing so hot. Far as I know, she's down with the usual anxiety attack. Hard hit, too.

I signed "it's one thing that I get them. It's another thing when a little girl gets them."

Shadow: I appreciate your commitment to the conversation, but she still can't do much without her brother. I know he's an asshole. You do as well. But, Travis has to take care of her, and without him here, she doesn't trust anyone to help her.

I gave him the usual "I think I can help," but he shook his head.

Shadow: You're either extremely stubborn or an absolute idiot to think that. Well, not much an idiot, but an idiot nonetheless.

I chuckled a small bit and nodded.

Shadow: At least you can still show some emotions. Some of us...

He gestured to Taylor and Daniel, who were talking about something I couldn't hear.

Shadow: They just won't understand that all of us need to help each other out so we ALL can prosper in our lives and worlds.

He held his hand against his heart.

Shadow: As long as we have faith and and strength to believe in ourselves, we'll get through this. Together.

I smiled and walked over to Taylor and Daniel. Not that I wanted to eavesdrop on what they were talking about, but I wanted to hear what they were saying. What was nice was that Daniel wasn't glued to the bed, and used crutches to get around.

Daniel: That's Why you never should give a rabbit a chocolate bar if you're a canine. It's really not really a good thing but it isn't that bad. I mean, I was just trying to be friendly, and...

I think he saw me, because he looked up at me.

Daniel: Don't you have anything better to do than to listen on what the fuck we're saying?

I just shrugged.

Daniel: We were just talking about that time in fourth grade, alright?

I signed "is that all?"

Daniel: Well, I did tell her about my life before I moved here.

I signed "you now have me intrigued."

Daniel: Look, it's not like I had a bad life leading up to the move, but after I moved, I felt... happier than before. When I was little, like 3 years old, I climbed a tree by myself and fell down. Broke my arm, but for some reason, I had fun doing that. I was adventurous growing up, so climbing trees was like second nature to me. Climbing trees, swimming in the rivers and lakes, Hell, even hiking. All of that changed when my father...

He started to go quiet.

Daniel: My father decided to test his luck with some of the street gangs there were. In particular, the Midnight Howlers. Ever heard of them?

I nodded, knowing that I did know about them.

Daniel: Well, they're nothing like regular gangs. Everyone has heard of them, and what they can do to kill. Everyone who is accepted by them have to prove worthy of the name. It all depends on what they feel like doing. Arson, robbery... murder.

A cold chill ran down my back, through my tail.

Daniel: All was well that day. Nice weather, cool breeze in the air. At least, that's what it was UNTIL their newest recruit showed up. That person... it was my own damn FATHER. From what I know, he was told he could kill anyone of his choosing, any way he wanted. Guess who he FUCKING chose?

I pointed at him. Taylor just tilted her head in confusion.

Daniel: Close, but not close enough. My own damn father chose to kill my MOTHER.

I saw the tears form in his eyes.

Daniel: Peaceful night. About midnight, I hear this, this crash. I wasn't too little at the time, probably 13, maybe 14. I hopped out of bed and grabbed my lucky knife. I always used it for when I was hiking, when I was out there and I wanted to protect myself at all costs. Any who, I followed the sound of breaking glass until I made my way to the kitchen, where my father had his hands around my mother's neck. He lifted her off the ground and pinned her against the wall.

That's when the tears started falling down his face. He didn't bother to wipe them away.

Daniel: I... I had to stab my father to get him to stop. He only pushed me away and threw mother through the glass door. Blood was everywhere, and I snapped. Something inside of me just broke. I tackled him to the ground and started beating the shit out him. First with my fists, then with a broken table leg. I won, but at what cost? I had to kill my own damn father to protect my mother and myself from death.

I wrapped my arm around him, but he pushed it off.

Daniel: A month passed, and we moved away from that nightmare. Sure, it STILL isn't home, but it's home enough so I can feel safe.

I signed "The Midnight Howlers are probably after you guys, then."

Daniel: Well, after they found out that I killed my father, they never DARED to fight us again.

I laid my hand on his head and nodded.

Daniel: Smartass. Even though I moved here from Metropolis, it still isn't smooth sailing. With no money, no friends, and no food, I always either starved for days on end, or... I stole. Convenience stores are quick and easy takes. A quick note, hide what you take in your tail.

I signed "why would I steal?"

Daniel: Oh, go fuck yourself. I mostly took small things from the convenience stores all around. Not just here, but anywhere from the next town over, to outrunning the cops in Metropolis again and again. Yes. You heard right. Normally I play it safe, but sometimes I risk it. Until I met you guys, that's what I always did. Afterwards, I felt... happier. I didn't need to run from the sirens, I had a place to be, and with you guys taking me under your wings, figuratively, I felt like I was loved again.

I signed "we'll always be here for you."

Daniel: Sure, you will.

Shadow: We'll be here for you every step of the way, Daniel.

Silver: The worst thing we can do now is to give up hope.

Vector: Anything you have to do is what you do. Best thing you can do is get us to help with you.

Micah: Yeah. Even though I was locked up for six months with Sonic, we believe in you. You have so many great friends now. Fuck whatever happened in the past. It's all in the past.

Daniel wiped his tears away and smiled.

Daniel: If we're all here right now, I'd like to say thank you.

Micah: No problem, Daniel.

Vector: It won't cost you anything to get my backup.

I signed "this Youngblood Wolf will always be with you."

Daniel: Thanks Guys. Really.

Knuckles: Now then, can we get back to work?

I glanced at him and nodded.

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