Chapter 29

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So it's been about a month since everything ended, the Resistance disbanded, and everyone went back to trying to fix their lives as best as they could. As everything had gone back to normal or as normal as it could be, I started to notice something about my closest friends, little CJ, and even Zero. Daniel and Taylor were growing even closer with each other and even actively avoiding the rest of us, CJ had never really been too shy until a little while ago, and Zero, hell, he's been practicing the guitar, with one he stole DURING the war.

Today was basically the same as any other day during the month: fixing the world around us, as best as we can. I told everyone to chip in around the city, while I stuck by myself helping other groups fix up the more major places. I mean the best hospital we had was in a shattered mess... in someone's HOUSE.

Anyways, bitching aside, a month of work may not SEEM like much progress, but with enough elbow grease and teamwork, we made it work. On the other hand, disagreement is where shit hits the fan, however that rarely happened. We basically rebuilt the city within a month, and it felt like we were on top of the world.

On second thought, not EVERYTHING was 100% back to normal. The biggest reason was simple: everyone who was alive now had something they lost during the six months of fighting. Most if not ALL of us lost some of the loved ones we cared for, some of us even lost our entire families, and some... some that were lost were very close friends of ours.

As the days went by and the weather slowly changed, I noticed that for some reason, no matter where I went, I felt lonely. Either with or without CJ or my close friends or Zero, I still felt lonely. On the occasion I didn't, I don't even know why I felt different. It just felt... it felt wrong to be walking the streets where we lost so many of our friends.

This occasion was never going to be different, and that's why I was taking alleyways instead of the main sidewalks to get to where I was going. Destination: Old Rutherford's Ice Cream Parlor. CJ and mine's favorite ice cream shop, at least on this side of the city. I don't know what I was actually doing but ice cream just felt right today.

Stepping out of the alley and walking over to the building, I was surprised to see that it was completely remodeled, not just rebuilt. New sign, new exterior patio, even new interior decoration. On an even higher note, it even looked like they were completely back in business as well. And who else but Old Man Dunn to be in front of the store, advertising the shop.

I feel it's late to describe what he looks like, but Jackson Dunn is NOT that old of a man, but that doesn't mean he's THAT young either. So not so old but not youthful, and be that as it may, I HAVE heard about his medical history from some sources I can't remember. Something about shifted vertebrae and weakened immune system so he has to walk with a cane. Nonetheless, he was still looking as good as any 50 year old in a business suit WOULD look like as I stepped over to him and shot him a subtle wave.

Jackson: Mr. James. I do believe that we have met before the whole fighting began. I must ask, have you been holding well?

Me: I've been... I've been about as well as I could be in the past month or so. My question for you is have YOU been well?

Jackson: Oh Gadget, I've been pondering the very fact that you saved our world. I must admit, being a hero really IS something special, however many will not hear of your legend. Oh one more thing, a letter for you. I don't know why the post office gave me it, but it was addressed to you. Funnily enough it was written years ago.

As he handed me the envelope, a subtle feeling of guilt washed over me as I ripped the letter open. At the top was a small, very rushed sketching of what seemed to be a small house, with money stapled to the top corner. The middle, it was a very fluid, very cursive writing, the way dad always wrote his notes.

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