Chapter 13

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I pushed the metal door open and stepped inside of the Resistance base. I could smell the motor oil, but what did we have that needed motor oil?



I rolled my eyes and headed to where the shouting was taking place, the middle of the main room, right around the console. I stepped over to them and kneeled down next to Vector. I decided to keep the mute game and signed "What's a matter with this?"

Vector: It's not working. We've tried everything, but it's not working.

I saw a handle and pulled on it. A draw slid out, and a giant, and I mean GIANT, battery fell out.

Amy: So THAT'S why it wasn't working.

Vector: Did you even SEE the indicator on the console?

Amy: I didn't think that it had that.

Vector: Well, it should be like a car's front dashboard. There's an indicator on it for basically everything that COULD go wrong with it. Battery low, check engine light, fuel gauge low, anything.

CJ: Big brother!

I looked over at him, and he ran at me and tackle-hugged me. I wrapped my arms around him and rubbed his back.

CJ: You're back. What happened out there?

Vector: It would be better if we could hear him tell us.

Me: Actually, yeah. That'd be great.

I felt EVERY set of eyes in the room look at me. Even CJ, who hopped off of me. I hopped up off the floor and dusted my legs off.

Daniel: You have your VOICE??

Me: Terribly different, but it's a voice, nonetheless. There's a battery in that closet over there. I think, since it has "holographic map essentials" written on it. And Amy?

Amy: Yeah, What is it, Liam?

Me: I like the view from up here.

Amy: What are you talking about?

Me: Your, uhhh... your panties are showing.

She hopped off the ground and pulled her skirt down. I just shrugged and walked over to the cabinet and opened it.

Me: Damn. Nothing's organized in here. There's shit everywhere. Not actual shit. Like, there's a half eaten Hershey bar in here, a broken lightbulb, and even... what's this?

I grabbed a broken picture frame and looked into it. It was... a younger version of me, my arm wrapped around a younger version of Amy, smiling into the camera. She wore a beautiful flower dress, and I was just in a white shirt and blue overalls. I remembered that I was from the country, but I couldn't remember when I moved to the city so long ago.

Me: Who kept this picture?

CJ: Amy told me about it. It was you and her, from when you and momma and dad moved.

Me: That was so long ago. I can't remember when.

Amy: It was, I think 14 years ago.

Me: Yeah. That was so long ago, and... I just can't remember.

CJ: Not everyone can remember everything that happened to them.

Me: You weren't even born yet, Charlie. That was still 6 years before you were born. Weren't we both 4 at the time, Amy?

Amy: Yeah. You're only two months older than me.

Me: Well, it's good that you kept this.

I looked back at all of them.

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