Chapter 8

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The shuttle parked itself just outside of the Death Egg, on the far side of the battling. I hopped from the chair and grabbed my Burst that was in one of the cases and shoved it in my satchel. I looked back at Vector and Espio, and they both shot me a thumbs up. I gave them one as well, pushed a big red button for the hatch release, and jumped out of the shuttle and onto the slopes ramp of the edge of Prison Hall.

Me(thinking): First thing's first: radio base and get informed on what the fuck's going on.

I tapped on my headset.

Knuckles: Hey, Rookie. Looks like you reached Prison Hall. Our forces are attacking on every side but yours. Looks like you took the best route. We believe in you. Find Sonic.

I thought about where he could be for a bit, but seeing as it was, well, a Prison Hall, I decided on the fact that there was only one place he could be. I flipped open my holographic map, and using the radar scanner, I was able to find Sonic's heat signature from the other end of the compound.

I shoved the map back into my satchel and ran down the ramp that led up to a wide curve. Using my grappling hooks, I swung myself around the corner with ease. I also managed to launch off a ramp in the middle of the path, leading to an alternate route. Another one of these and another accidental ramp jump later, I was on my way down a spiral slope, when I heard a voice that wasn't familiar.

???: Hello, Gadget.

I skidded to a halt right at the bottom of the spiral. It was a woman's voice, but I couldn't exactly pinpoint it.

???: You don't remember me. Because I never trusted you. I never thought you'd do this, but here you are.

I scratched the back of my head in questioning.

???: Who am I? Well, Knuckles can tell you who I am later. All I want you to know is that the prisoners are being held in a containment facility, and Sonic is probably with them. The security is tight, so stay on your toes.

I opened my satchel and pulled out Burst.

Me(thinking): Well, at least I can store useful shit in there. I wonder if I could store more than this.

I flipped my weapon around in my hands and noticed something I completely overlooked. It was an automatic firing switch.

Me(thinking): Well, THIS would've been useful to know about at the START OF MY GODDAMN JOB!!!

I switched it on, and fire flew out of it faster than you could say "IT BURNS!!!" I'll admit, I did stumble back a bit, but seeing as it was I Who was in control of it, I spun the weapon around me, trying to make a figure 8 for some reason or another.

Knuckles: Rookie? You alright?

I chuckled and switched the Burst back to single shot.

???: It appears he was sending flame everywhere.

Knuckles: Good to hear from you again, Rouge.

Me(thinking): Ooh... THAT'S why the voice sounds familiar. Welp, off to burn some more robots.

I flicked the switch on and, with the Burst pointed out at my enemies, booked it through the long corridor, burning my enemies to a crispy chicken. Alright. I had to shut it off for a little bit because of constant springs and pulleys that I had to use to traverse more area.

I had just finished up the hallway and swung myself around another corner and into a narrow hallway with three pathways, all varying in different ways.

Rouge: Uh oh. They're on high alert, now.

Knuckles: Hurry it up in there, Rookie.

Not like I had a choice, did I? You all do realize that either I helped free Sonic, or I just... dropped dead.

Eyes Of A Rookie (Infinite and Rookie)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat