Chapter 18

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After a long night of resting in the medical bay after getting the holes in my mouth PAINFULLY sealed back up, we all stood about the hologram in the center room. I held my jaw as a map of Metropolis showed itself through the static.

Daniel: I sure hope you're feeling better, Gadget. We got some work to do.

Me: I know... just can't talk much.

Ivy: Now how did you end up with your wisdom teeth removed, yet all of your other teeth were completely intact?

I didn't want to say, so I held my head down and kept rubbing my jaw. I could tell the golden retriever twin was growing more suspicious of me every waking minute.

Ivy: You SURE you had them forcefully pulled?

Me: Yes, Ivy.

Ivy: And you're SURE that the Jackal did it?

Me: I was there, I was awake. Yes, I saw him.

Ivy: Does it feel like you and the enemy have some sort of connection with-

Espio: ENOUGH!! I'm sick of the bickering, it's been going on all morning.

Me: She started it.


Me: I missed Tails' arrival, didn't I?

CJ: You were getting yourself fixed up as he came in the doors.

Tails: Yeah, and Eggman said his plan will happen. I-In three days, the whole Resistance will be destroyed. What do we do now?

Me: We need... to destroy it.

CJ: Destroy what, big brother?

Me: It needs to be torn down. Th-The entire plan of that 300 IQ madman. It's gone on for too long. It needs to be ripped out, at the ROOT. We take a small chunk of it, there'll be something to replace it.

Daniel: I like where your head's thinking, Gadget. Destroy the heart, destroy the entire system.

Amy: That's one of the best ideas I've heard in forever. Now, how to do this...

Knuckles: I've got a plan. We launch an all-out-assault on the frontal lines of Metropolis. I call it Operation Big Wave.

Me: What about Operation Tsunami?

Silver: The kid's right, Commander.

Me: You're no older than I am.

Silver: I'm 14. How old are you?

Me: Damn near 18 soon.

Tails: Wait, you're HOW OLD? I always thought you were younger than that.

Me: Looks are deceiving.

Knuckles: AS I WAS SAYING... we need some, no more than a few, on the full-frontal assault we need. We'll have a few other squads helping with, as well. Survivors of all around the place have joined the Resistance. We get some on front assault, some for aerial support, and some as a backup assault, we should be fine.

Silver: Was THIS as well-thought out of a plan as YOU could think of?

Knuckles: I thought it up overnight.

Me: Really? Because to me it sounded like fifteen minutes.

Knuckles: ...Okay yeah it WAS fifteen minutes. Do you want to give an idea?

Me: The front lines are, well, THE FRONT LINES. Meaning most resistance is from that point of entry. If we could have some semblance of a distraction, followed with a wave of assault, it could work.

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