Chapter 11

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I thought Green Hill was supposed to be a beautiful sight to be seen and a great relaxing spot. Taken over by Eggman, however... that's another story. Robots surrounded the area, mostly on the ground and in abundance. I kept my newly acquired Lightning weapon in my hand as I followed Sonic up to the Pyramid.

Knuckles: The enemy's factory is inside the Pyramid. I can send reinforcements if you don't think you can handle it.

Sonic: No need. The two of us are more than enough. We'll blitz the place and be out of here in no time. Right, partner?

I nodded and whipped a robot with Lightning. Lots of range above and below, but not good behind.

Sonic: Looks like Lightning really trusts you.

I smiled and nodded.

Sonic: I don't really need to use a wispon because I have my Sonic speed. I could give you the layout of my favorite wisps to use, but might as well destroy this fucking factory first.

Amy: Language, Sonic.

Sonic: I'm sorry. Did you want family-friendly? I thought you meant swear like a salty sailor.

Amy: The sooner this is done, the quicker you can get back here and take me out.

I signed to him "ask on a date, or with a sniper."

Sonic: You mean, on a date? Or with a sniper?

I laughed at what I told him.

Amy: SONIC!!!

Sonic: The new guy told me to say it.

Amy: Wolf. I swear, I know you can't talk, but your ears work fine. I will find you, and I will kill you.

I did the "my bad," gesture.

Sonic: Alright, partner. Let's go. It's right up here.

He jumped into the air and dashed right up the path to the Pyramid. I grabbed a Lightning capsule and used the special ability to drag myself up to the top alongside him, waiting on the edge.

Sonic: Ready?

I nodded and jumped into the top with him, free-falling down, dodging lasers along the fall. I had to do a layout backflip to land. Sonic just landed next to me.

Sonic: Phew.

I signed "your ankles should've shattered."

Sonic: It's logic. Now, I'll head this way, you go that way.

I nodded slightly and headed left across the chasm and rotating gear platforms, whipping some robots with Lightning.

Sonic: Lots of production going on here. Making everyone work like robots.

I rolled my eyes, knowing that everything in here was a robot.

Sonic: I realize that what I just said made no sense, considering that there's only robots in here. I just now know that.

I chuckled at what he realized, but stopped when I saw HIM. That damn Jackal. He loomed above the factory, looking down at me. His Phantom Ruby shined bright, and his mask scared me a bit. Enough to freeze me in my tracks.

Infinite: Hello, Rookie.

He jumped down and landed right in front of me. I had to back up a step or two for him to land. I could feel him sizing me up.

Infinite: I never saw someone such as you before. I thought you were a girl at first, but you seem like a nice guy to be around.

I gulped and signed "thank you?"

Eyes Of A Rookie (Infinite and Rookie)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon