Chapter 14

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It was a rough night trying to sleep on the makeshift cot I tried. It wasn't better than the floor. I tried everything to get myself to wake up more, but all I could achieve was a sad feeling in my gut and a shattered bathroom mirror. Hey, I was mad, and I wanted to punch something other than the team. Sure, I had a wayward shard of glass in my hand, but I pulled that out right after I broke the only mirror in there.

I yawned and stretched in the morning sunlight of a new day. I stood on the edge of the cliff-side that the Resistance base was formed out of and gazed into the sky. I was really hoping to see the Jackal again, and I did feel bad for us both. Here we are, two similar predators, yet on opposite sides of the war. He works for the eggheaded mastermind, while I work for a ragtag Resistance force.

Me: What has become of this world? It's all gone to Hell. I don't think we can all last here. There's not enough time for any of us. We can't fight forever.

I leaned up against a nearby boulder and stared into the surrounding jungle.

Me: This isn't right. CJ's trying his hardest to help, but him being only 8? He can't do much. Come to think of it, this would be SO much better with Tails. The kitsune has a lot of brains, even if he doesn't have much for strength. Why is he such a coward, now? He fought and DEFEATED Chaos 4 back in Adventure, but where is he now? Hmmm... come to think of it, it's been two months since the small Resistance of townspeople disbanded, and I haven't seen a single one of them since. I really want to see at least SOME of them.

???: And you can, Liam.

I jumped up a small bit and looked over to my side, and I couldn't believe what I saw. The twins, BOTH of them, Morgan and Ivy. I stepped over to them and wrapped my arms around them.

Me: Hey, girls. I missed you both.

Morgan: Good to see you again, Liam.

Ivy: It's nice to see you again.

Me: It's been so long since we've left the old Resistance. I thought... I thought you both died.

Morgan: Well, a few parts of us DID die. Mostly hope, but also happiness.

Me: I'm glad you're here. We could always use more help.

Ivy: Do explain?

I let go of them and looked down the edge of the cliff and down at the area in front of the door.

Me: Down here's a door that leads into the cliff-side. A Resistance base. There's a few others in there.

I looked over to my right and nodded my head that way. There was a beaten dirt pathway that led down the cliff and wrapped around to the base.

Me: Down the path is a route to the door. I'd prefer to go my own way.

Ivy: And HOW exactly do you seem to do that?

Me: Observe, girls.

I hopped over the edge of the cliff and shot my grappling hook right into the rocks, anchoring myself to the wall. I grabbed the cord and slowly rappelled down to the ground and retracted it back into my hand.


I looked up at the girls and pointed just left of them.



She tapped Ivy on the shoulder, and both of them headed down the path. I pushed open the metal door and walked into the main room and leaned against the wall. The room was basically empty, except for Taylor and Daniel talking in the corner, and Amy at the computer, doing what I thought was data analysis. I just tapped my foot a little while, running my hand through my hair, adjusting my style a bit.

Eyes Of A Rookie (Infinite and Rookie)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang