Broken Promises (Another Update on Shy)

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Hey guys, gals and whatever you want to be called by, Shy here. So ummm... yeah kind of a bad thing to say about it, but I think I'm done. I might 100% be done with this goddamn thing. I have no more ideas, I've no more true motivation to write with this, and I've not had any more energy to write. I'm not comfortable saying this, but I'm done. 31 chapters in, and over a year's worth of work... I'm done.

To think I started this all the way back in 2021, the year after everything closed down due to THE VIRUS. I've tried my consistency on writing this, usually publishing one or two parts within a couple weeks of the prior release. But now, a whole YEAR AND A HALF after Chapter 31 and NOTHING? I really wanted to keep writing about this, but something inside of me just... stole my inspiration. My brain just doesn't seem like it wants to write about a love story between a wolf and a jackal anymore. It's almost impossible to imagine, but I think it's worth sharing my thoughts on it before I just let this rot on the shelf.

Overall... I wrote this thing as a cringe mid-teenager, what more can I say? It's literally the definition of cringe; it's a fanfic, how much more cringe can it get? I don't know what's worse, but I DO know not having an original story is definitely one of the factors. I could've (and SHOULD'VE) set this right AFTER the events of the game so that I didn't have to play through a (let's be honest here) mediocre-at-BEST Sonic game. Also considering the fact that I've slowly drifted away from the series, trying to find other things to spend my time on, and my own personal life, I don't have the motivation or time to spend on writing something that I see as lacking.

It's really just a matter of my personal perspective on it all; considering I've changed SO FUCKING MUCH as a human being... to the point where I don't even know if I AM one anymore, I find myself having different thoughts about everything than I did two years ago when I started this. And I've changed as a human, for better or worse, I don't really know; I don't have that spark I did a couple years ago, and I certainly don't feel as energetic or chipper anymore. I've found myself feeling more... I don't exactly know how to explain without throwing more personal issues into the wind, so I'll just say I've felt different.

It's kind of funny thinking that THIS of all things is my most read stories, considering how I haven't worked on it for a year and a half now and my other work in progress HAS been updated every once in a while. But it's not even funny to think that I could've been a good author, HAD I actually been writing about something I enjoyed to write about instead of writing what I thought OTHERS would have liked. I'm kind of at the impasse right now; either work on something that I HATE but people will READ, or work on something I WANT TO but never have it be seen.

Presently, I don't know what to do, so I'm going to put this story on the shelf; for how long, that's anyone's guess. Could be a month, could be a year, could even be TEN years when I finally come back. I know this sounds like one of those cringe youtube apology videos, but I really just don't have it in me to continue this story. And I'm sorry to those that HAVE genuinely enjoyed reading this, but... I can't keep writing it; it's been so long since I've felt that "I need to write the Rookie's story" motivation, I don't think I have it anymore. It's gotten to the point where I just can't anymore; from what it is NOW to where I feel like it needs to end, I can't find the right motivation to continue with it.

So, I'm leaving this here. I'm shelving the story for now. I want to come back and write it, I really do... but I can't; I don't have that kind of passion for writing this story anymore. And that's where I'm leaving this, left to rot away on the shelf, alongside Once Human and Crystal of Darkness. Stories I ALSO wrote as a cringy teenager. What's sad is that I ENJOYED writing both of those, but considering their premise is "Alice in Wonderland but completely random things happen all the time," I really knew nobody would want to read them either. But I still had fun writing them; this? I can't have that thrill of storytelling anymore.

If anyone wants to continue with this or rewrite it in any way shape or form, I'll be more than glad to give them the rights to Eyes of a Rookie. I'll give every part of it up; the Original Characters, the hero-villain power dynamics, the storyline as a whole, Hell, I'll even toss in the 18+ shit for good measure. I know I'll definitely break a few hearts knowing that I'm leaving this for the rest of you all. But when there's a clear lack of motivation for a project, sometimes it's best to be given to someone who HAS that passion that's lacking. And who better else to give it to than the people who love to read what they love to?

So... yeah, the reason I haven't been writing can be chalked up to a severe lack of motivation for something I really don't care for anymore. That, or I've grown up and grown tired of trying to come up with new ideas on how to continue the story from the ending of a video game that didn't end on a cliffhanger. All I ask of you now is to respect my choice of leaving this story behind and giving it to you all to create what you wish to; if anything, I really do want to see what you all come up with to continue this journey. And maybe, just maybe, I could possibly come back to this story and finally give it an ending that it deserves. Thanks, everyone, Be good people.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2023 ⏰

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