Chapter 3

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2 months had passed since Jacob issued a disbandment of our small resistance group, and I was SICK of staying in one place for so long. Now, it's 9:00pm. No moon, no stars, no lights. Except for the ones we could see from the rooftop of the abandoned apartment complex down to the streets below. Me, Taylor, Daniel, And CJ were there, looking just over the electric border that headed North of the city and towards the forest. We had to stay quiet, else we were screwed.

Me: How many lights?

Daniel: So far, two. One left on the street, the other on the right about a flight up.

Me: This shouldn't be too hard. I remember us doing that training regimen that one year. I had to wear a 90 pound bag and climb up 30 feet of rope, followed by a 3 story building.

Daniel: I remember, alright. That was Boy Scouts, too.

Me: It wasn't that hard. Wait. The light moved.

Daniel: Probably doing a sweep of the complex. You didn't forget anything, did you?

Me: Not that I'm aware of. CJ?

CJ: Nope.

Me: Alright. So, once we jump over the fence, we regroup about 25 yards out. Clear?

Daniel: Yep.

I looked over at Taylor. She nodded with determination.

Me: Care to start us off, Taylor?

She backed up, took a running start and pushed off the ledge of the roof. I could see her roll right next to a close by tree.

Me: Daniel?

Daniel: Alright. Just give me a second. I don't think I forgot anything.

Me: Then go.

I heard him take a deep breath before he followed the same routine Taylor did. I saw him also roll to the tree.

Me: Now, it's our turn, CJ. Scared?

CJ: A little bit. But not much.

Me: Before I jump, Did you forget anything?

CJ: Old coloring books, but that's really it.

Me: Good. Hop on, and I'll take care of you from there.

I felt him climb up onto my back. I took a few steps backwards to the other end of the roof.

Me: Hold on. This is the one and only chance we'll get to run away from here. We can't fuck this up.

CJ: I... Yeah. I'm with you.

Me: Hang on tight. This'll either be good or bad. We need a good outcome.

CJ: I'm scared.

Me: CJ. You need to be brave for me right now. Just think, it's either we leave or not. We either stay and get killed, or we flee with our friends and get out of here. What do you want?

CJ: Well, I'm scared. But I want to leave.

Me: Don't scream. That'll be a great way to get us spotted.

CJ: I'm ready.

Me: You sure?

CJ: Just Go. You want us to get away. This is it.

Me: That's my Charlie.

CJ: Don't call me that.

Me: Sorry. Just remember what I told you.

CJ: Yes. But... what about your medical supplies?

Me: You mean the empty sewn bag back at the house? There's nothing but an empty pistol in it. Besides, a gun's useless without its bullets.

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