Chapter 21

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Knuckles: Word of advice, don't venture too far into the city.

Okay, so go FAR FAR AWAY into the city, apparently. That's what I did. Right into carnage. Broken flaming buildings, glass and brick scattered everywhere, Hell, even charred corpses. I... tried veering my eyes away, but some I could TELL I used to know. Just seeing everything destroyed, it... churned my stomach too much. Needless to say, I carried on into the inferno.

Leaning against a wobbling support structure and clutching my head in anger and embarrassment, I growled at myself and sighed. A very somber mood, all fell around me. I gazed around, staring at the carnage and destruction. Nothing good ever came out of a burning city. Great Chicago Fire of 1871 felt like the same as now. Not that here IS Chicago.

I kept growling a low, steady growl and took the headset off my ears and smashed it against the ground. Stomping on them a few times just for good measure, out of the shattered bits I found a tracking chip. One that basically meant "I'm gonna be warped about with Infinite." If only it worked when I was FIRST kidnapped.

Tossing the chip into a fire and holding my head in my hands, I stumbled back onto the street and fell to my knees. Tears and smoke filled my eyes, and guilt and despair washed over me. Memories of past mistakes washed through me. The biggest being... my parents. No, no not them. Anything but them.

Many recurrences and memories of them filled my head, and not one I could have ever forgotten about. The last one being... the most difficult. The last day I saw them alive. A business trip, a small field plane, a... televised broadcast of a plane crash, with no survivors. I clutched my head extremely tight and howled in anguish and misery.


I slammed my fist into the ground and howled in anger. I had begged for revenge, might as well beg for death. I kept howling at the anguish I had felt for over 18 goddamn years. I had wanted to release myself from the pain, but there was never a way to. I had built up anger and hatred that needed to be let go of.

The only time I could calm down was when I grew red with absolute fury. It drove me insane to remember the terrible thoughts of everything that happened through my life. The constant pain only made it worse. Not like anyone cared, Hell, the closest people near me were charred to crisps.

I glanced at the dwindling morning into afternoon, the sun perked high above. I could feel the immense heat from both it and the fires around me. I slowly stood and gazed at the still looming Death Egg, the place I saved an old friend from. I saw a small explosion, then more, then finally, all of it imploded on itself. The Resistance had finally destroyed it, without my help.

Me: Well, they did it. Can't believe it. Without me, they're better. If only I could...

I glanced back down at the ground and found a mostly intact brick and picked it off the ground. Bit heavy for a brick, but it's the same as any other. I flipped it around in my hands, not seeing any damage to it, very surprisingly.

Me: A brick is like a cubic baseball bat. Can break with a lot of force, but can also be used for a home run.

Holding the brick and leaning against a more intact wall, I tossed the brick in my hand like a baseball and gazed back at the newly-destroyed Death Egg. The shattered space parts made me feel so small and insignificant to everyone around me, AND THEY'RE DEAD! The true hero destroyed it, without any help whatsoever except for a crazy guy with a desperate long-shot of a plan. Tears welled in my eyes as I kept thinking of myself as small and insignificant.

Me: Just don't think of what they will. Compare yourself for too long, you'll end up terribly weakened and small. Though the strong only get stronger, while the weak grow weaker, in society. What happens when someone insane meets a society that doesn't give a fuck? You get what you fucking deserve.

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