Chapter 15

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I shot my grappling hook at a loop and reeled myself up to it and looked down into the ravine below. I could see something down there, but I couldn't tell what it was. I shot my hook into the cliffside and slowly slid down the hill, keeping my balance as I neared what was down there. I stopped on a rock and reeled my hook in and looked over at what it was. A giant metal cereal bowl? With a man in it?

Me: The Hell? What's going on here?

I shot my hook at the other end of the ravine and reeled into the side of it and watched as a blue blur of light went right past me, followed by a rush of wind that I barely held my ground on. I looked at what it was, and there was the two tailed fox with a Hedgehog that looked like Sonic.

Me(thinking): Wait just a minute. Sonic doesn't look like that. He's taller and a deeper shade of blue. Who is that?

I dropped to the ground and snuck after them, staying behind the cover of rocks and short trees and bushes. I leaned my back against a cliff wall and peered over the side of it. They also hid behind a rock, staring at the cereal bowl and... Infinite?

Me(thinking): What the Hell is going on?

I snuck up to the two and hid behind a rock next to them and peeked over the top. There he was, the Jackal. He crushed something in his hand and looked at the man in the bowl.

Infinite: And with that, the last of the Phantom Ruby prototypes is destroyed.

???: Excellent, Infinite. By any chance, did you run into Sonic after he escaped?

Infinite: Yes, but he was powerless against me. I assure you, he's nothing to worry about.

???: Well, let's hope so. I'm getting sick and tired of losing to him over and over again because of my failed plans.

Infinite: You shoot your plans down all the time, like a gunner turret does to fighter planes in historical wars.

???: Don't bring up history. Didn't you run into that Rookie, as well?

Infinite: He's no stronger than Sonic. He's far weaker than him. He doesn't know how to handle his fear. When we first met, he was scared. I could feel it resonating off of him.

???: Just because you can read someone's aura doesn't mean you can help them.

Infinite: I don't need to help my enemies, for we are going to DESTROY them.

I looked over at the fox and Hedgehog, who were looking back at me. I signed "Do you know what's going on?"

Tails(whispering): No clue.

Infinite: Knock knock, who's there? A Rookie, Fox, and a Hedgehog. This fight will be unfair.

I gulped and looked over my shoulder. He was right behind me.

Infinite: Long time, no see, Rookie. How have you enjoyed life so far? Don't answer it, because I know you want unspeakable things to happen to you. The first time you saw me-

Me: Yeah yeah, dramatic backstory cliche. Every time I try to do something, it gets destroyed worse than a bomb dropped on a city.

Tails: Well, isn't there anything we can do?

???: Hello again, Fox Boy. And you as well, Sonic the Hedgehog.

I looked at the man in the bowl. Bald, but with a cool looking mustache, and a red jacket, I believe.

Me: Robotnik?

Eggman: It's Eggman, you nasty little fox.

Me: I'm a wolf, thank you much.

Eyes Of A Rookie (Infinite and Rookie)Where stories live. Discover now