To Inform You

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Mika's p.o.v

Everything was ruined. I read the first line over and over and over again.

"We regret to inform you....."

I had never felt so defeated in my entire life. I stopped staring at the computer and stared straight ahead of me instead, picturing everything I have ever wanted to work for slowly closing itself back up. I was in a state of shock as grief overcame me like a wave of water on a hot summer day. Suddenly I felt like I was alone. Like there wasn't anyone else in the entire universe but me. 

My life was officially over.


Chapa's p.o.v

"Your life isn't over Mika," Miles said looking down at her from her bed and I was sitting on the floor next to her. Mika's back was laid down on the ground with her limbs spread out, she was hoping the world would take it as a sign that she wanted to be swallowed up. "He's right! all your second alternative schools aren't that far from Berkeley, a day apart at most," i assured. I know how much she was looking forward to going but this was a little dramatic, even for her. "You guys don't understand. Bose and i had it all worked out from the beginning. We were going to eat lunch in the courtyard, hold hands every day, wear matching 'Berkeley' PJs to bed and sneak kisses in before going to class," She cried.

"Everything is gonna work out for the best Mika, i promise," I promised her.

She finally sat up and started drying her tears. "As i said, you guys don't get it, this meant everything to me," Mika pulled her sleeves down resting her face on her hands still sounding very upset. Her not getting into Berkeley wasn't everything. She was super smart and she was for sure to get into any other school she wanted.

"Yes, you had your heart set on Berkeley but it isn't the only other option," I reminded.

Mika rolled her eyes, "Look i know you didn't want me to get to Berkeley so you don't have to keep pretending like you feel bad for me,".

I was taken back by her attitude but i tried to be reasonable. It did seem like i didn't want her to get in but that wasn't the case. It was just that i felt like the real reason she wanted Berkeley was to be closer to Bose instead of her own will. She wasn't thinking about what she wanted. I decided that after high school i wanted to take the time and travel the world, to find myself because i knew very well that i wasn't going to find out who i was in an English book. "It's not that, i want you to think about all the great opportunities you could be missing out on if you only focus on this one thing," I clarified.

Mika loudly let out an annoyed grunt. "What? Like what you're doing? When will you get it? I don't wanna be like you Chapa? I wanna actually do something with life, instead of playing silly little games that are going to get me nowhere," She snapped at me. "Woah-," Miles cut in.

Ouch. Well, that one hit. I knew she thought it was a crazy idea and didn't agree with my plans but i thought she actually supported me. But that's what she really thought of me. I wasn't one to ever cry but if anything could hurt me to that point, it would have been Mika not believing in me.

The room was silent and i started feeling embarrassed. I could feel Mika's eyes on me. "Chapa i didn't mean it like that..." She trailed off. But she did mean it like that. It was getting pretty obvious that i wasn't wanted here. I got up and dusted myself off. I was making my way to exit through the window when Mika quickly followed along, " Chapa please, i didn't know what i was saying," She stammered trying to apologize. Yeah, she was upset, but it didn't give her the right to try and put me down as well. "Yeah, i know," i disclosed still ready to leave.

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