59) Of Four Confessions and a Funeral

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Date: February 3rd
Time: 6:24pm
Location: Y/n's place
Mood: 🎵Save Me Save Me🎵

Another few days slowly drug by. Y/n normally would be feeling constantly on edge, with dilemmas stacking up until it felt as though they were over her head.

She didn't trust her 'dad'. She hadn't told her mom or brother about how she had found him. Baek Hyeon's presence at work reminded her of the weight of the situation. She had another sibling, but held that information close to her heart. If things went sideways...It was possible that he could end up very hurt. There was no trust for her sperm donor parent because he hadn't earned it. Therefore, he couldn't be trusted with the family he had now.

Regularly these things would weigh heavily on her. Like her mental health, her conscience. But her general mood was still hanging somewhere in the uncaring to numb zone and it didn't have the same impact. 

Although one day, she was mentally and emotionally exhausted and ended up spilling everything to Jimin. Earlier in the afternoon she had spoken to her 'father' on the phone and he didn't seem to be interested in anything she had to say. After school she had an intense therapy session that had left her drained. Then work was after that. Dea (the toddler from her group that always had a pacifier in her mouth) was sick with a high fever, irritable and weak and had clung to her until eventually her mom arrived early to pick her up.

And throughout all of this, Y/n was menstruating, the cramps of which had been sent from hell. But she was a woman and had to tough it out. It wasn't too hard. Women are the stronger sex, after all.

Normally, where anxiety and depression were a constant, there settled a tired resignation, a small amount of irritation, and a splitting headache. She told Jimin everything that she had kept from him and everyone else, even as she was afraid that he would be angry that she had held onto this secret. And he had been upset about that. Although as he pointed out, that was more because she had had to face this alone, as opposed to having a stronger support system.

After he was assured that she was alright for the time being, he reacted exactly as she had expected him to. He was mad. The reaction was sort of fascinating to her since she rarely saw him show his temper. Yet she could say for certain that she was glad that his anger wasn't targeted towards her.

"Are you mad at me?" She asked this question multiple times.

That was an indication of how nervous this mood of his made her feel. In his gaze was a sharp, fiery sword, intent on puncturing the one who evoked those feelings in the first place. Lucky for him, that person was no where to be found. He surely would have been incinerated on the spot.

"No." He replied flatly in a tone that was final. "I'm mad at him. Who the hell does he think he is?!? First it's Jungkook and then you. All of these so called 'parents' ditching their kids and—" he came to an abrupt halt when he caught sight of her downtrodden expression. "I'm sorry. I know that's your dad..."

"Do you think I'm stupid for giving him a chance?" The one thought that had been nagging at her came out before she could stop it.

The silence was so loud she winced.

Eventually, he nodded hesitantly. "I don't think you're stupid. I think your decision to give him a chance is stupid. But I get it. And I support it. This could be your only way for closure."

Funny how he repeated almost word for word what the therapist said after Y/n had told her all of this. It was the only day Seo-Joon had been unavailable to go with her, but at this point she was alright without having someone hold her hand through the annoying sessions.

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