28) Of Buns and Gentlemen

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Date: November 19th
Time: 9:00pm
Location: Old ass Hyundai
Mood: Exhausted old ass Hyundai

"That was the most exhausting thing I've ever done." Jimin proclaimed as he drove his mate home in the ancient Hyundai. Hyuna had 'forgotten' that she had offered Y/n a ride home (today she drove her parent's car) and left without saying a word.

Y/n had a strong feeling that this was done intentionally because her friend had literally looked her straight in the face while she drove off and left her standing there in the parking lot, confused.

Subtle, no. A good friend, yes. Maybe.

Going in she had thought it would be like babysitting her little sister. Turned out it wasn't anything like she expected. They weren't bad at it, at all, but Y/n wondered if she would ever reach Hyuna and Carl's level. Both were up and moving the entire time, somehow seeing everything and juggling multiple things at once with ease.

Something Y/n had learned when Yeona was crying from bumping her head, Sang-Ook was holding himself and expressing the urgent need to urinate, and Baek Hyeon refused to budge from her lap, was that having only two arms was not enough.

Hyuna had stepped in and handled the situation with a proficiency she hoped to one day attain.

Like the last time he gave her a ride home, Jimin was driving as slow as possible. A few other cars had sped around the slow moving vehicle, the drivers blaring their horns and shouting a few choice words out the window.

"Oh hello!" Jimin responded with a sweet smile and a wave the last time this happened, something the angry driver did not appreciate. He furiously laid down on the horn at the same time Jimin's face fell as he turned to her.

"Your stomach is growling. Are you hungry?"

How he was able to hear that over all this racket confounded her but she filed it away into the 'Jimin and other things that don't make sense' folder.

"Yes," she answered him but couldn't even hear her own voice over the blaring horn outside. "I'll eat when I get home."

Again, it seemed he was able to hear her just fine. With a pout he moved his attention back to the road.

"I'm hungry too." he commented a minute later when the driver had moved on and it was silent once more.

As the words left his mouth they passed by a convenience store, much like the one they used to work at with a flashing sign boasting of freshly steamed buns. Nonchalantly giving her a sideways look, the car slowed down to a crawl and he casually pretended to just now notice the sign.

"Steamed buns sure sound nice. Don't you think? And...we're both hungry."

"Uh, do you..." she paused while looked between him and the neon sign, "want to stop and eat?"

The Hyundai slowed to a slight roll of the tires on the pavement at the same time he gave her falsely inquisitive look.

"You want to stop?" he questioned in a way that was more pleading than inquisitive. "You want to eat here? Right now? Right here? With me? Are you sure?"

It wasn't like she could say no. Not when he looked at her like a hopeful puppy begging for a treat.

"I'm sure."

"YES!" The car was pulled to the curb before the last word had finished leaving her mouth, his enthusiasm causing her to giggle.

Another thing to stash in the 'Jimin and other things that don't make sense' file was the speed in which he exited the car and arrived at her door in order to hold it open. How was he always so fast? She should really start paying attention because this was always something that struck her as weird.

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