Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Rashes

Mew's words sent a foreign feeling to my body I couldn't fully understand. I didn't know why my heart was beating so fast. All I knew is that Mew was the reason behind it.

I tried to not mind that feeling. I am so confused right now. It's still my first day together with my roommate but he already made me feel so many emotions.

One thing is for sure. This will not be an ordinary year with us being roommates.

I tried my hardest to fall asleep, closing my eyes with the hope that it would make me feel sleepy. But almost thirty minutes had past and I am still fully awake.

A few minutes later, I felt my body feeling hot so I removed my sheets covering my body. It did not make me feel comfortable so I completely removed it from me.

"You're still awake?" Mew asked before shifting to a sitting position.

"Y-yeah. It's so hot." I answered him before sitting on my bed too. "My body feels so hot."

Not a moment later, my body started to feel itchy. I scratched my face.

I feel like my body temperature is high. I placed my hand on my forehead to check but I couldn't really tell. My back felt itchy too so I reached for it to give it a scratch. But afterwards, my chest began to feel itchy.

I'm pretty sure that they are not bed bugs because I don't have them in my sheets. Why is my body so itchy then?

"What's wrong?" Mew asked worriedly. He stood and reached for the lights before sitting at the side of my bed. "You have rashes on your face." He points at my face, his eyes wide-opened. He took a moment to glance at the other parts of my body where my skin is exposed. We both saw red spots on my arms. They felt itchy too so I had to scratch them.

Mew placed his palm on my forehead. And like earlier, I felt a wave of electricity travelling through my spine. I felt my face heated even more.

"You're hot."

"T-thanks?" I answered, a little dazed and confused.

"No. I mean your body is hot."

"Well, thanks too?"

"No, Antinous. I mean your body temperature is high. I think you have a fever." Mew began to panic. He brought his feet to my bed so he could come closer to me. Now he placed his hand on my neck, confirming my body temperature.

He held my chin before carefully lifting it up.

Somehow, I felt embarrassed with my responses. What the hell is wrong with you, Gulf? What kind of interpretation were those? Damn, I'm so stupid!

"You have rashes all over your body. Are you okay? How do you feel?" He asked, question after question.

"My body is so hot and feels so itchy." I reached for my back to give it a scratch.

Mew reached for my face, gently caressing my skin. It was like he moved in a slow motion. His face was worried and his eyes told me that it's bothering him. "Even your face have red spots."

He glanced at my lips and I felt his thumb brushing it lightly.

What is he doing?

Mew let go of my face and looked away before he left my bed to grab his phone. He keyed in something before bringing it to his ears.

"Mom, it's Mew. Listen, my roommate here has red spots on his skin. And he says his body is feeling hot. Should I take him to the infirmary?"

He waits for a few second, probably listening to the other person on the phone which I believe is his mom.

Roommates with the Playboy (bxb) (Heartbreaker Series Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now