Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: Drunk

For a brief moment, I felt like he wanted me. Hadrian wanted me. He almost made everyone think that there is something between us, with the risk of exposing our relationship.

But Arthur was there. To stop him. He was there to stop him at the right moment. And as if Arthur meant everything to him, Mew obeyed his words and let himself be carried away by his pull.

Seeing them leave together was a painful sight. But I had to endure it all. I made my choice. Mew wanted to talk to me. But I refused. So I guess I'll have to stand by my decision to allow us to live our lives separately.

Hughie and I parted ways when the clock struck one. He was insistent to take me to my next period. I told him that there was no need but he was persistent. That is why we were together when I got to my next class. Many people were looking at us. I'm not sure if they were also looking at me or their attention was with Hughie. He looks like a model gracing the lobbies like a runaway. His expression is still angry and I'm guessing it's becauseof his earlier confrontation with Mew.

"Thank you for taking me here," I said as I went inside the door.

"Here." Hughie handed me a pack of strawberry flavored Oreo cookies. His expression was now serious, contrary to his angry mood earlier which made him look even more handsome. Did I just call him handsome?

As a person who likes sweets, the idea of rejecting the food did not come to my head. Plus, strawberry flavored Oreos are my favorite! Although I felt a little confused as to why he was giving it to me.

"What is this?" I asked after receiving it from him.

"Oreos? Don't you see?" he asked, a hint of sacrasm on his voice.

"I know that these are Oreos. But why are you giving this to me?"

"I don't want you to go hungry this afternoon. From now on, your afternoon snacks will come from me."

I frowned. "Are you serious? Why?"

"I'm doing charity work. Just think of yourself as charity."

I glared at him. "Do I look like I'm someone who needs help?"

"Tss. Just eat it, okay? Do you want something in particular tomorrow?"

"Hmm, tomorrow I want ice cream."

"Done. Coffee crumble, right?"

My eyebrows furrowed. "How did you know?"

"I read your application letter for the school paper."

My professor for Math10 came inside the room. It was the cue for Hughie to finally leave. I went to my seat afterward.

My last class for the day ended at four in the afternoon. I ate the Oreos that Hughie gave me while on my way back to my dorm room.

I wanted to visit the auditorium and watch the basketball practice for me to learn more about the other players since it will be helpful to me in the future if I write sports articles but the thought of seeing Mew and Arthur together made me scared. I've had enough heartache for today.

I busied myself by reading journal articles for my PolSci 101 class. I only ordered dinner online because I was too lazy to go out. Anais sent me an invitation at six pm for a house party but I wasn't in the mood to be dancing so I made an excuse that I have a quiz tomorrow. As a result, staying in my room gave me hours of peaceful reading.

I thought about Mew. I haven't seen him since lunch. Maybe he's also at the house party? Well, why do I bother thinking anyway? It's not like I care about him!

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