Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Constellation Antinous

I wasn't sure if coming to church with Hadrian and agreeing to come to the wedding was the right thing to do. If I haven't been spending the past week with him, I would think that he's out of his mind.

Hadrian. It feels weird calling him that when I'm used to calling him Mew. But I know that it's what will make him happy so I'll give him that. Besides, I find it cute calling each other by our second names. Me calling him Hadrian, and him calling me Antinous. It's like an endearment. And I don't know but right now, I can feel the butterflies in my stomach celebrating in joy. I guess I will have to make myself comfortable in calling him that now that we have agreed to discover our feelings together and deal with our confusions. Wait, are we boyfriends now? I haven't asked him about our label yet and I forgot to ask while we were on our way here because what filled my head was the idea of meeting his family members here at church.

I cannot believe that my first time meeting his parents will be here at church! I haven't prepared myself for this!

Hadrian was crying infront of the altar as I watched him from my seat. He was wearing his black suit paired with a white bow tie. He looked dashing now that each strand of his hair was on the right place. Me on the other hand was wearing a white suit and a black bow tie. I couldn't stop myself from feeling emotional as I watched him burst into tears. Everyone beside him was either smiling or crying.

The aisle was decorated with mostly white flowers accented with blue ones. The little flower girls spread some flowers as they traversed the long aisle. And when everyone else was in their right place, including the ring bearer and the whole entourage, it wasn't long until the wedding singer began singing "A Thousand Years" as the bride made her way infront of the altar. She was accompanied by their parents, their mom on the left, and their dad on the right.

I watched Hadrian's dad in awe. He's like his older version. Only that Hadrian had his skin fairer which I'm guessing he got from his mom. She was sophisticated and had a very powerful aura that she radiates. Now I know where Hadrian got it. And if I remember it clearly, she's a doctor.

I know. You all thought Hadrian and I were going to get married. I thought so too and was as surprised as you. But he was actually being silly. It wasn't our wedding. It was his sister's.

The groom beside Hadrian wiped his tears away as he watched his beautiful bride. Hadrian tried to comfort him but he also was trying to hold back his tears in which he wasn't so successful.

Happiness filled me seeing Hadrian displaying this much emotion. Well, I wouldn't blame him. It's her sister's wedding. And even if I know nothing about how close they are, I can already tell that he loves her so much. Seeing your sister walk down the aisle and about to marry someone she loves is probably one of the best things to witness in the world and I know how happy Hadrian is to be here. I'm just glad I'm here  with him.

Hadrian glanced at my direction. His eyes were bloodshot but you can really see the happiness in them. Our eyes locked for a moment before he gave me a smile and I reciprocated it with a nod.

The ceremony began at 4 PM and we all did our roles. Yes, I had my own role. Hadrian asked me if I could be the reader of the readings during the mass because the one they got backed-out and didn't show up. I heard it was his friend and this suit I'm wearing right now was what he was supposed to wear. Now that I was the replacement, I get to wear it.

Since I was already here and was feeling shy to reject the favor, I did as they asked. Besides, Hadrian already informed me about it while we were on our way here. It was an hour drive from our house. I didn't know that Hadrian's sister lives next town from us. Well, they're not really from here. Their family lives at the capital and she only got here because her fiance lives here. We dropped some of our things including my orange scarf that Hadrian got from me during the sem-starter party.

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