Chapter 31 Part 2

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Chapter 31 Part 2: Proposal

I felt my heart being crushed into tiny bits. Tears began to form on the corner of my eyes and my lips trembled even more. "Tell me he's lying, Antinous!" I almost screamed.

But instead of answering me, Antinous only tried to pull me outside. I did not bulge.

"I'm not lying. I have no reason to lie," Hughie added.

"Bastard!" I tried to attack him and land a punch on his face. He fell to the floor and tried to retaliate but I was quick enough to land another punch.

"Stop it Hadrian!" Antinous tried to hold my hand but I continued to punch Hughie who only maintained a smirk on his face which made me even more angry.

"I said stop it!"Antinous was able to successfully pull me out of there. We got out of the room, leaving Hughie lying on the floor with blood all over his mouth.

I could feel the pain in my knuckles but it could not compare to the pain I was feeling inside my chest.

"Tell me nothing happened, baby. Please tell me nothing happened between you two." I begged him the moment we were out.

Antinous shook his head and watched me with sad eyes. There was no hint of regret in them. "I don't want to be with you anymore, Mew."

"Please don't say that," my voice broke as tears started streaming down my face.

Meanwhile, Antinous straightened his body and gave me a serious look. "It's over, Mew. We're over." His voice was filled with coldness.

I shook my head in disagreement. "No. We're not over. I am not breaking up with you!" I tried to hold his hand but he did not let me.

He only tried to push me away. "I don't want to be with you. Everytime I see your face, I always remember your sister and your niece. I can't live with you any longer. I don't want to see you again, Mew."

"It's Hadrian, goddammit!" my voice thundered along the hallway.

He was slightly taken aback with my sudden raise in voice. But he managed to maintain a straight face. "I'm sorry. You should leave now and I hope you don't bother me again."

"Why do I have to suffer for the things I didn't do? Why do I have to be punished for things beyond my control?" I accused him. "It's not like I supported my sister! I had no idea! This has nothing to do with our relationship! So why are you letting me suffer for the decisions I did not make?"

"Please don't make this harder than it should be, Mew. I don't love you anymore. I am now with Hughie and I hope you begin to accept that."

My knees wobbled at his words. I was speechless for a few seconds.

He shook his head for the second time. "I could never look at you without having to remember your sister. I hope you understand." He said firmly without looking at me in the eye.

My tears continued to stream.

"Please leave now. I don't want to ever see you again," he added.

My chest tightened even more. But I found the courage to continue begging him. I will not easily give up, Antinous.

I went down on one knee and pulled out the ring box from my pocket that my mom gave me earlier.

It left him in shock for a few moments. I couldn't see his face properly because of my tears. Damn, my heart hurts so bad.

"What are you doing?" he asked as he tried to pull me up. I noticed that his voice was slightly shaking.

But I did not stand back up. Instead, I opened the box and showed him my mother's engagement ring.
"Gulf Antinous Finnegan, will you marry me?" I held his right hand.

He closed his eyes for a few seconds. A tear fell from his left eye. But afterwards, he shook his head left and right.

If my heart wasn't crushed into tiny pieces earlier, I'm pretty sure it is now.

"I don't want to marry you, Mew. I don't want you anymore."

I held his hand even tighter but he tried to remove my grip. "Please, Antinous. Please don't do this. I can't live without you. You are my inspiration and my strength. And my weakness. I don't know what I'd do without you," I cried.

He harshly pulled his hand away from my grip. Tears continued to flow down my cheeks. I went down on two knees this time.

"Please leave," he said coldly.

"Why are you doing this to me? If you're doing this because you're tired of keeping our r-relationship a secret, then we'll make it public. I am letting go of my d-dream to become a professional basketball player because I know I don't belong there. Because I know I b-belong to you!" My voice broke a lot of times trying to saying that.

He turned his back on me but before he could leave, I wrapped my arms around his legs, hugging him from behind and begging him to stop. "Please, Antinous. I'll try to be better. I'll do everything to help you forget about my sister. I'll be a better boyfriend. I'll give you all my time. I will only be yours. Please don't leave me. I don't want anyone else. I only want you!" I cried.

Like what he did earlier, he removed my grip from his body. "Leave."

His word was final. It wasn't even a request. It was an order.

I lost all my strength to get up on my feet. He took huge strides away from me. And before I could even begin to process everything, he already closed the door to the room, returning back to Hughie.

I cried as I hugged my knees, lying on the cold carpeted floor of the hotel lobby. It felt like my whole world collapsed. It felt like my heart just died.


Well, this was very challenging to write. Took me almost 10 hours. It's almost 8K words. Woooh! Anyway, there you have it. This is Hadrian's first and last point of view. I hope you enjoyed it HAHAHA.

The next part will be the epilogue written in Antinous' POV.

What are your thoughts for this chapter? Comment them down!

See you on the epilogue!

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