Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Blueberry Pancakes

Upon realizing that it was all but a dream, I looked down between my shorts and noticed that I have an erection.

This is really bad! Why did I get a hard on? I don't usually get a morning wood!

My teacher in high school literature once told us that our dreams mirror our deepest desires.

I just wish that it's not true because if it is, then I am surely doomed.

What the fuck was that dream? Unbelievable! I guess what our lit teacher said was a lie. Surely I don't desire of going down on my knees in front of Mew! Hell no! That's not my deepest desire! Over my dead body!

But why did I get morning wood? I guess it's normal for boys in the morning?

I convinced myself that it was the case. Yeah. That's probably it. It's not like I got an erection over fantasizing about Mew! Hell no!

I rushed to the comfort room to take a cold shower. It looks like I badly need one. I'm so mad at myself. What is wrong with me?

After my bath, I headed out of the comfort room to change into clean clothes. As I was about to wear my brief, I heard the door open. Mew entered the room with a grin on his face. I panicked and had a hard time properly wearing my underwear.

What is it with underwears that they tend to be harder to wear when we are under pressure?

Mew looked like he just came out of the shower as well. I could tell because his hair was still damp and he was wearing a plain white shirt and a blue jersey shorts. I guess he just finished with his morning practice for basketball. A sling bag which contained his things was hugging his body.

I couldn't look him in the eye because my dream began replaying inside my head. I'm so embarassed of myself. I just wish I wasn't sleep talking last night.

"Nice ass," he commented, a playful smile was on his face. "Can I spank you?"

My eyebrows furrowed, annoyed with his statement.


I hurriedly wore my jeans and shirt.

He let out a chuckle. "I'm just kidding. Anyway, have you eaten breakfast, my dear Antinous?"

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that?"

"Sorry, but I won't stop. Antinous is sexy. And it fits you perfectly. Wow. Those words rhymed. HAHAHA."

"So you're a poet now?" I asked sarcastically.

"Wait til I write you a poem." He sat on his bed and stared at me as I fixed my bed. "I would name the poem, My Beloved Antinous."

I frowned. Beloved?

I gave him an angry look. He managed to read my expression so he defended himself before I could begin to speak.

"Chill, Antinous. I'm just messing with you. Now hurry up so we can both get breakfast. I'm starving." Mew flashed his perfect set of pearly white teeth. "I heard they're serving blueberry pancakes for breakfast at the cafeteria."

Now he got my attention. Blueberry pancakes? Those are my favorite!

"I'm getting breakfast because those are my favorite but I won't be getting breakfast with you." I raised an eyebrow.

"And why is that?" He raised an eyebrow as well, challenging me. Or mocking me.


"Because what?" he asked curiously.

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