Author's Note

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Before I post the epilogue, I want to share with you all my journey in writing Roommates with the Playboy.

What urged me the most to write this are the novels "Roommates" by kathyyjane and "Cellmates" by doublezone. I was also inspired of course by TharnType and our lovely boys, Mew and Gulf.

Writing this novel was extra hard for me. There were so many writer's block moments. There was too much pressure on myself because I wanted this to be as good as my other novels. Plus, it took me days before I could post updates because of my busy schedule which most of the time made me forget about the details of the story. While I am not sure if I did a good job writing this, I must say that I am still proud of myself. Writing a story is one thing, but keeping your readers interested until the end is another. While this is not as good and popular as my other novels, I'd still give a pat on my back for doing an amazing job finishing this story. This may not be perfect, but I sure did pour my soul in writing this.

I would like to thank all of you for appreciating Antinous and Hadrian's story. Despite all the heartaches this novel may have brought, you all still had the courage to keep going. Thank you for deeming my story worthy of your time. I still cannot believe that we are close to ending this story and will soon be saying goodbye to Hadrian and Antinous.

Roommates with the Playboy is my fourth completed novel. I dedicate this book to all the lovely friends I gained through writing.

After this book, I will continue writing Illicit Affairs and 23:59.

The epilogue which will be written in Antinous' point of view drops tomorrow, 10PM, PST. Don't worry guys. I will try my best to deliver a satisfying ending. And of course, it wouldn't really be my story if you don't cry towards the end. But I'm not saying that they're not endgame. We'll all find out tomorrow!

I love you all! ❤


ps, no matter how bored you are, don't read about how Antinous died in his story with Emperor Hadrian 😘

Roommates with the Playboy (bxb) (Heartbreaker Series Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now