- 3 - The boss' friends

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When "Hello there, I'm YN, Mrs Potts' new assistant, just here to say hi ! How much do you like it here ?" became "Think about your job. Ok, bye.", you knew it was time for you to stop for the day. The plan was to keep it low, not to have everyone thinking you were crazy. And how many people could possibly be working here ? You had been scanning every brain for almost a week now, and the list of names didn't seem to come to an end. But again, that was the easy part of the job. Phonecalls were a nightmare. So many of them. All day. Everyday. Who were you working for, the President ? Anyway, you almost thought of the scanning as a break from that phone. And even if by the end of the day most people thought that you were nuts, very weird at best, you found some decent ones.

You were still learning most of everything, but for now, you had managed not to mess up anything. You were following all the rules.

Rule 1 : everytime she entered a room with you, you had to scan everyone and make sure no one wanted to harm her. Seemed fair to you, a little tricky when that damn phone was ringing at that exact moment, but again, it was ringing at almost ALL the moments.

Rule 2 : no mind reading the boss. Except when she said "Miss YN, could you please leave us a minute." You had to leave the room, *listen* to her and then write down everything you could pick up from the conversation. That was fun. Except when people were mentally bashing her just because she was a woman.

Rule 3 : when her daughter was there, you had to keep your mind reading really high. Everyone, all the time. No free pass from being scanned. She was obsessed with her daughter's safety, and you couldn't blame her. You still had to work on that one, since you were not used to read a lot of people at the same time, but you were confident you'd get there eventually. You had been very honest about it, and she was grateful for that.

Rule 4 : basic assistanting. you had to answer the phone, read the papers, write reports about every meeting, send emails, open the mail, and all of that. Weirdly enough, that was the hard part. How could you go on with your list and do basic stuff at the same time ? You had a month to make sure no one was secretly planning anything bad -like, real bad- and you weren't even sure how many people you still had to go through.

But all things considered, you liked your job. And you even started to like a few employees, as far as liking someone could go for someone like you.

Lucy, the girl from the entry desk seemed nice and happy at first, and it turned out she really was a nice and happy person. And it was calming to spend some time in her head. Always thinking about something nice to tell the person in front of her, always the first to wonder if she could do something more to help. And even if she thought you seemed a little off at first, she now thought you were some kind of funny. And that you had a nice smile. No one ever thought of that about you. One, because you really didn't like talking to people long enough for you to have any reason to smile at them, two, because you just didn't smile naturally. You had that constant resting bitch face, and if you had to be honest about it, it was a good thing. It kept people away.

You also liked Ethan, the mail guy. But really it was just because he was always singing in his head while talking to anyone. He could ask you if you were ok, you could respond "tuesday", and he wouldn't even notice. Fun guy. Maybe you would try to actually be friends with him, you could have a lot of fun.

And that was all. Of the dozens of people you met in nearly a week, you liked two. Them, and the boss, of course. You didn't like her that much, but you respected the woman, and she seemed to be a decent human being. And a good mother. People said that she used to work so much more before, but now she was out early enough to pick her daughter up from school everyday. You saw her cut a meeting short just because it was time for her to go. That was fun. You then spent almost 30 minutes reading the guys in the room insulting her because they thought she didn't have any respect for them, whoever they were. So yeah, you really respected her for that. Of course it made you realize even more how your own mother was not as loving and supporting, but it wasn't really the boss' fault.

Anyway, you had done more than enough scanning for the day, and you had stuff to write down before the end of work. You got back pretty quickly to your floor, you stopped getting lost in the building after only 3 days. What an accomplishment. Before going back to your desk, you needed to tell her that there was no one worth mentioning for the day, and that you would go on with that the next day. She didn't mind when you decided to stop, you told her your head could start to hurt after a while so she told you to be careful and to do just enough to not give you a killer headache.

When you got next to her door, you heard she was talking. You only heard one other voice, but you didn't remember her having a meeting scheduled. You quickly checked her planning but there was no mention of someone being here. You decided to stay outside of her office and take a peak at what was going on in there. Surprise, there were 3 people. The boss and 2 others. And as you were checking if they wanted to kill her, or blow up the place, or whatever dangerous stuff they could do to harm her, the door opened.

The guy in front of you didn't really seem the friendly type. He was looking at you like he was going to eat you alive, and to be honest, he seemed strong enough for you to be afraid for your life. You tried to put a smile on your face while reading him, but your eyes got caught by the other guy in the room. You saw that guy already. On TV. And not so long ago. The whole world knew him. You tried to push the other guy to the side, but you were clearly not strong enough and he didn't even flinch.

"Miss YN ! How did it go for today ?" Fortunately Mrs Potts noticed you behind the big scary guy and he decided to let you in. So nice of you, sir. You stood in front of the desk and tried not to stare at the guy sitting in front of her.

"It went well, nothing new about that." People didn't need to know that there was some kind of mind reader working there, so you just kept things pretty vague. But you couldn't help but look at the man on your left. First time meeting a celebrity, and now you knew you weren't the kind of person to be all relaxed about it.

"That's good. If you don't mind, I'll take it from here. I'll see you tomorrow, miss YN."

"Yes Ma'am." You quickly looked at the man next to you, he smiled at you. He seemed nice. Well, he kinda had to be, right ? With his job and whatnot, he had to get people to like him. Even more, considering the disaster that came along with his predecessor. As you were walking towards the door, you realized you were going to cross the big scary guy again. He was looking at the TV screen next to him. Did he come here just to watch the news ? Anyway, you decided to make sure he was not planning your painful and imminent death. The moment you got in his head he turned to you and man, if looks could kill... You really got scared, almost threw yourself at the door and closed it behind you.

You decided it would be a good idea to bring some work at home since you were now persona non grata up there. That being said, you couldn't wait to get home. Because whether Marisa would want to talk or not, she would have to listen. You met Captain America today and you had no one else to say it to.

A/N : If you got that far, I love you. Nothing more. You're perfect.

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