- 31 - Until next time

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It was rather quiet outside. You could still hear the music from the party, but at least you were alone. Almost alone. 

A couple walked by, you quickly scanned them before stepping aside to let them enter the building. The woman showed her phone to Lucy’s replacement and they left to have fun with the others. 

As he was about to talk to you, the guy from security came back from his break, thanking you for the help. You smiled at him and ignored the one who was waving at you. 

You didn’t feel like going back in yet. Quiet was good. You had been unable to enjoy a quiet moment in a while now. You walked a few steps away from the building and smiled. It had been a hot minute since you sat on that bench. You took a seat and began watching the people walking by. 

“Here’s the thing. I need your help.” You laughed. “There’s this girl. And I’d say we’re dating, but I haven’t seen her that much all week.”

“She’s probably been busy.” You turned your eyes and looked at Bucky. “How is she ?”

“I’d say she’s pretty.” He smiled and leaned in to kiss you. 

“I meant Sharon.”

“She doesn’t like you anymore.” You smirked at his remark. “She’s getting better.” Bucky put his arm around you and you decided to let your head rest on his shoulder for a while. You closed your eyes and finally enjoyed the peace and quiet. 

It had been a busy week indeed. 


When Sharon fell, she screamed loud enough for her men to stop fighting and for Sam to notice and catch her. Bucky took down the remaining ones pretty easily, given their current distraction. When they got her bleeding body out of the building, everyone stopped fighting. 

You found it immensely interesting how loyalty was a vague concept over there. The moment they noticed that Sharon was down, a woman stepped up and had everyone stop the fight. She agreed with Sam to let Sharon out of Madripoor and ignore the extradition laws in exchange for their freedom. He politely informed her that if Sharon’s business was to start again the deal would be off. 

Once outside of Madripoor, she had been sent to a high security hospital and was waiting to be arrested. Sam and Bucky were going there everyday to see if she was willing to talk. Sam needed answers, and Bucky wanted to be there for Sam. 

Given your history of kidnapping and stabbing each other, you were not allowed to visit Sharon. It didn’t really bother you, since you had no intention of seeing her ever again and you had a crazy amount of reports to write about the stabbing part of your relationship. 


When you were done dealing with the government and their never ending questions, you had to face the press. 

Someone, and you highly suspected it was Sharon’s replacement in Madripoor, told the press about you. And now everyone with access to the internet knew who you were. They also talked about how Wanda, despite being a known criminal and terrorist, had been involved in an Avengers operation in a foreign country. 

Pepper dealt with everything like no one else could. After a few days of constant harassment by journalists following you wherever you were going, she called everyone in for a meeting. She had to make sure you were all on the same page, and organized a press conference the next day. 

Sam was the only one standing up there with her. They answered questions for almost 2 hours while the rest of you were watching it from Strange’s house. No one wanted Wanda to be alone listening to fame-hungry journalists trashing her even though she had been the most important person in Sam’s plan. 

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