- 29 - Madripoor (part 1)

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Walk through the bridge. 

You thought it would be the easiest part, but that bridge was huge. You had been walking for a while, and nothing happened. Yet. Sam told you a car would come to get you. But there was no car on sight. You wondered if they already left New York. Probably not. Or maybe they did if Pepper had a second jet. What would she do with so many planes anyway ? Wanda mentioned some kind of ship once, maybe they would be taking it. 

You wondered why you helped Sam with this stupid plan. Of course you were going to get killed. This was an awful plan. Letting you, of all people, come to that place. The only thing you heard about it was ‘I wouldn’t go there for a nice and calm vacation’. That was reassuring. So many things could go wrong. Maybe you and Sam were wrong about Sharon. And if you were wrong , then you were as good as dead. 

You looked at the sky. Then on the floor. The water on the sides of the bridge. Sam said she would see you coming. Why wasn’t there anyone on that bridge ? You shoved your hands in your pockets and kept on walking.

An eternity later, you heard the sound of an engine behind you. Finally the car was there. When you turned around, you realized there was a whole convoy. The nearest car stopped, and a man got out of it. 

He stood in front of you and told you to spread your arms and legs. Of course he was going to make sure you didn’t carry a weapon of some kind. Or a device telling anyone of your whereabouts. You weren’t enjoying his hands all over your body, but as long as he was not enjoying it, you were fine. Then he made you turn around, threw your hair tie on the floor for good measure and searched for something on your head. The transmitter. It was a good thing Bruce decided to take it off himself. At least you wouldn’t be scarred for life this time. 

When the man was finally sure you were good to go, he opened a door on the back of the car and motioned you to get in. Follow them, do whatever they want you to do. And so you did.

So far, everything was going according to plan. 

When you entered the city, the car stopped. The man opened your door and you followed him. You resisted the urge to know what he was thinking. Sam had been pretty clear about it. You needed to keep all of your strength for the moment you would be with her. No funny business outside of that. 

You were trying to look around you as much as you could. People were watching you. And you didn’t look like you belonged there at all. You had been warned about that place, but now your eyes were on everyone around, it was totally different. Those people seemed dangerous. You wouldn’t trust any of them. Ever. 

Another car. You got in. A few minutes later, it stopped in front of a fancy apartment complex. As fancy as something in this town could be, at least. You seemed to be in a completely different part of the city anyway. Everything looked better here. 

The man told you to follow him. He opened the main door and you entered the place. 

Sharon was there, smiling, waiting for you with a drink. Don’t try to fight her. Do exactly what she wants. You smiled back at her. 

“So they’re using you as bait.”

“Yep.” Sam said she wasn’t an idiot. 

“It doesn’t matter.” You refused the drink she was handing you. “Sorry it took so long to get you on the bridge. I wasn’t expecting you. I had to get things ready for Sam’s arrival. Follow me.” She led you to another room and showed you a couch. While you were heading to your spot, she quickly grabbed a tablet from a desk and joined you. “When is he coming, by the way ?”

“Soon, probably. I came alone.”

“I know you did. I had the jet destroyed.” You gasped. “There were only two bodies. Pilot and copilot, I presume ?”

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