Chapter Thirty-Two

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Nathan's POV

"Do you wanna go get ice-cream buddy?" I asked Zaiden walking around the island "no he doesn't wanna get ice-cream and you're going to work" Alianna says and I pout at her "but I don't wanna, unless you would come with me" I said "no Nathan..." she says "please babe this would make me feel so much better, plus it would be fun" I told her trying to convince her "I said no now go or you'll be late" she says walking to get Zaiden from his seat. "fine, see you later then" I told her and kissed her cheek "I love you" she says with a smile "I love you baby" I said kissing her lips then kissing Zaiden's head "and I love you" I told him and he giggled "alright bye now" I said walking out.

Once I got to the door walking out I got the car getting in and Kyle closed the door after me. Getting into the drivers side starting the car and we were on the way. He was taking me since Alianna needed George to take her and Zaiden somewhere "secret" I guess.

After a while Kyle pulled into the parking lot of my building and got out opening the door for me, I stepped out walking up to the glass doors getting in to a bunch of greetings.

I walk to my elevator door pushing the button as it opened I stepped in going up. I already know today is gonna be stressful day and I was honestly not up for it at all. The elevator doors opened and I walked out going to my office. "good morning sir, everything is ready for you. And you also have a meeting with Steels inc at 11" Brandon said all cheery and I nod at him pushing my office door open.

I shrugged my jacket off hanging it on my chair and taking my seat. I turned the computer on and started looking through the files for the meeting. I responded to some short emails before it was 11am and I had no idea why I came to work today ugh.

Some time after a knock came from my door "come in" I said as the door opened and in walked brandon "sir, Ms. Steel is here she is in the conference room" he informed me "okay we'll go now" I said and he nods.

I grabbed the file from my decks walking out and down the hall to the conference room with Brandon behind me. I pushed the door walking in as everyone stood making me smirk. "good morning mr.vaughn" a slim pale girl said which I'm assuming is ms.steel "good morning" I said looking at her stoned faced "it's really nice to meet you" she said with a smile walking forward "my pleasure " I told her shaking her hand once she got close enough "is it?" she asks looking up at me weirdly and I raised my eyebrows at her before pulling my hand away walking to my seat at the head of the table. "shall we get this over with" I said as they all took their seats once more and the meeting went on.


"that's basically the finished offer" a young man said taking his seat. "okay...I would like 75% shares in order for me to give you that much money and 75 is my only offer and I will need the answer no longer than tomorrow or I'll drop the deal" I said looking at the pale girl. "75% is a lot mr.vaughn please consider something else" she says looking shocked "well 30 million dollars is worth more than your company ms. Steel I'll need an answer by tomorrow, this meeting is over" I said standing getting the file from the table and heading to the door.

"please wait!" her voice came once more and I was for sure getting annoyed with her but I stopped as everyone walked pass me. She was the only one in the room as I was now standing at the door.

She grabbed what was left of her things from the desk walking towards me and I stepped back so she could walk out. "is there a problem?" I asked confused "uhm, actually I just wanna..." she said trailing off biting her lip making me pull my brows together looking down at her. She stepped forward grabbing my shirt "what are you doing?" I asked taking her hand off of me. "please just let..." and she was cut off "what the fuck is going on?" came here sweet angelic voice making me snap my head in her direction shocked "baby girl this is not what it looks like" I said looking at her as she walked forward " who are you even?" the pale woman said and I smiled remembering the last time someone asked her that because it didn't end well. "I'm not a fucking crush bag of potato chips that's for sure" Alianna said looking her up and down and I had to laugh "you know what, I'll have the papers over tomorrow mr. Vaughn " she says looking at Alianna who was giving her a death glare and she walked away.

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