Found & Bucky

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"We're surrounded" I whisper too the man next to me.

I heard men yelling in their native language, they had finally caught up too us. We for sure outnumbered, sooner or later they'll coming in blazing. I get up slowly and quietly, Bucky lifts his head head up from my bag. I signal him to stay down, and he obliges. I raise my gun, looking into the directon of the closest window to us. I see a shadow walking closer, I slowly back myself to the wall. The windows are barricaded by wood planks, but you can still find a way to look through, the last thing I need right now.

I hear a man yell again, North from where I'm standing. It sounds like it was inside. I raise my gun, anticipating which door they'll be coming out of. It was quiet and still as I look at all windows and doors making sure there's no movement. The worse they can do is kill us but since I'm a women, they'll probably do other things to me.. then they'll kill me. I walk quietly to Parker, and I grab his arm.

"Come on, I'm hide you behind that desk over there" whispering I point to a fallen over desk that it was a good shield for the gunfight that's about break out. He nodded tiredly, I helped him up. We flinched at a bang coming from within the walls. I urged him quickly to the otherside of the room, as he winced quietly. I laid him against the desk, from the desk. I saw Bucky staring at me, as I urged him to come over here.

Once I had both him and Bucky covered, I moved up the room and took cover as well. I breathed quietly as if they could hear me, counting steps I hear coming from the otherside. It was quiet once again, like they are playing some game.

The door was swinged open, it made me jump slightly. Keeping my gaurd up, as I hear footsteps approach closer to me.

Do or die.

As the man approaching finally reached me, we both made eye contact. I've never seen such hatred in one's eyes before, as he raised his gun at me. He was too late, and I had already pulled the trigger. As the shot echoed in the classroom, the man fell back with a thud.

Hell broke lose.

As more men took cover behind walls and started shooting everywhere like crazy. Angry that a man of there's died.. well I'm angry too.  I've had about enough, and I start shooting back. I got a couple of them, and they were getting even more dangerously close. I felt a sane part of me was breaking as I kept killing men. I wasn't religious, and never grew up with faith but I felt any side of Hope was crippling as I spilled more blood. It's not natural to kill another human being. The chances were low for me to take another's life but I have to do what I have to do to get us home.

I grabbed a gernade from its pocket, took the lock off. Hoped to any almighty power, that I aim to the right place, as I blew my cover to throw it at the door surrounded by enemies.

"That's for my men!" I yelled at them as I raised from cover I had confided in. Starting shooting at every moving body across the room. I felt something hit my thigh, but I ignored it as my body filled with adrenaline. Man fell and others came running with aimed rifles, but they were being shot down. Not by me, however. Another hit, on my shoulder. There was no longer echos of raining bullets and the smoke cleared out, I felt the pain surfacing. I look at me shoulder, and to my thigh. Blood seared through my Cammies. I fell back in pain, applying pressure to my shoulder wound.

I heard shuffling, and before I was able to bring my gun up. A man in Camo, came around the corner. I can't describe the sense of relief that filled my body as I saw more men in U.S Cammies approach me.

"Corporal Carrasco, we got your call" the man with a deep voice ringed in my ears as he held his hands out to help me up. I grab his arms, I glance behind me as other men search the area for others.

"Behind the desk" I tell them, and they walk over as they spot another wounded soldier. Bucky jumps over the desk and runs towards me, he stays on my side. We walk through the doors, I notice more men guarding the doors with guns raised. I notice one on the phone, giving coordinates.

"We have to hurry up, and find more cover. They have others coming" one of them told the man who was helping me. He was giving instructions as another applied gauze to my wounds. They applied a turney on Sargent Parker, and gave Bucky more water.

"You're been missing for a while you know"

I nodded, I know this mission has lasted longer then it should have.

They helped me up, and I told them I'll be able to walk on my own. They argued but understood, and they left me on my own as we went towards the woods to cover. As we got to higher elevation, pain was getting worse from my thigh. It's not my priority however. Bucky nudged my leg with his head when his saw me struggling, and I patted his head as I pushed myself up. As we make it farther up, I look down to see the school we were once in. They were right, more men came to finish the job. They'll probably start looking for us everywhere, knowing I'm not there anymore. We hear footsteps just ahead of us, and we move to take cover. I jump behind a rock and hide Bucky behind me.

I see of the men with me, communicating with hand signals. It's a good thing I paid attention in Basic cause I would have been clueless. As I wait patiently for more instructions a gun went off and I felt my body jerk back, confusingly I look down to my chest. I laid my hand on it , and looked down my hand that was covered in blood. Looking up, I make eye contact with the soldier who helped me earlier with my other wounds. I felt my body give out, shots were ringing through my ears. I couldn't hold myself up anymore, I lean to the side. I roll down the small hill within the mountain, I groan as I hit rocks. I don't know how far I've fallen, but the gun shots were getting lower the more I fall. Finally landing on a big Boulder. I hit my head, and soon everything went black.

I open my eyes, and see the night sky, it was quiet.. peaceful. I don't know how long its been but I wonder if the others have survived. Most importantly.. Bucky. I get up from the boulder.. looking around for any sense of direction. It was too dark to make out anything, and the sounds of crickets singed through the thick air that surrounded this moutain. Nonetheless, I have to keep going. I walk north, because that's essentially where we were going. Hoping the others are there too, no one or I have a chance of getting out of here just alone.

First chapter on my own, hope you like it! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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