New Beginnings

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"Come on Adrian" I was stirred awake, and I groan. I roll over my bed. The blanket is yanked off my legs, and I just position myself into a ball.

"Adrian it's Saturday, means open house!" She yells at me again and shakes my shoulder. Open house is when strangers come to the center and we're all outside with food, and they all sorta introduce themselves to you, so you get to talk to them. Some stay and adopt, others just leave when they don't find what they're looking for. Which is messed up if you ask me, the point of adopting is to give any kid a home. I've been through so many of these I could be rich. Except for Sammy, it's her 4th time. She's 12, and I'm like her big sister. When she first got here, I looked after her. I told her that honest truth, the chances of us getting adopted are low, all people want are the little ones. Not the teenager ones with social and mental issues in their everyday lives.

"Sammy it's 7 in the morning, why are you awake?!" I groan, and she jumps in next to me.

"The sky's awake, so I'm awake" she tells me, she loves Frozen and pretty much any disney movie. Well not all. I quote movies, and she started doing it too. I pull her in for a hug, and squeeze her until she shrieks. She gets up, and leaves the room. I know it's time for me to get up, and get dressed. These kind of events, I just help the younger ones get adopted. The people usually think I'm a volunteer anyway. As much as I don't want to be separated from Sammy.. she deserves a family, so I try and help her out. I help set up tables and chairs, after they are in place. I head to the kitchen, and help as much as I can.

"Adrian honey, there's a bruise on the bridge of your nose" one of the cafeteria ladies cups my face and observes the slight bruise I got from yesterday. She lightly touches it, and I feel no pain.

"It's those girls again, ain't it?" She huffs, and adjusts her hands on her hips. I chuckle nodding, she shakes her head and hands me a spatula.

"Oooh if only I knew their parents" she says hysterically making me laugh, she's sweet and sternly all at the same time. I help her stir the pot and bring it over to the heating area. When the clock hits 11, they start putting the food out. It means the doors are opening up.

"Ms. Carter, you won't believe who I saw yesterday" I tell her as we make our way outside with the pots.

"Who'd you see child" she asks me as we sit the pots down on the table, and clean our hands with our aprons.

"Alex Morgan"

"Your favorite soccer player? Well did you get an autograph?!" She asks excitedly for me, and I tell her everything that went down yesterday. Once it starts getting a little crowded, she ushers me outside.

"Go on out and talk to some people"

"Ms. Carter, you know I'm too old be to be adopted" I whine and she just gives me a stern face. I listen anyway, she goes back inside. I walk around, and I notice a few people talking to the younger kids. I hope they get adopted. I walk to table of food, and grab a plate. From the corner of my eye, I see a women stand by me. I don't look over to her.

"Hey kid"

Knowing the voice, I immediately turn to look at her. I'm completely stunned.

"Wha- what are you doing here?" I ask her in complete shock, I see a man come over. He looks hispanic, the closer he gets. I realize who it is, her husband Servando. He wraps his hand around her shoulder, and gives me a smile.

"We were hoping to catch you here" he speaks up.

"Why?" I ask them both, the look at each other smiling, they turn back to me.

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