Good Impressions

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Alex POV

"What do you think we should do? They are clearly related" I tell Servando, we're laying on our bed. Talking about what we should do about the situation.

"Fly out to go see her" Servando suggests. It's been 2 weeks of Kaydence, and Adrian talking to get to know each other. We contacted her social worker. Their stories matched up, the person who worked the case for both of them retired many years ago. So we don't have any clue as to why they were separated

"It's her blood Alex, do you really think she'll forgive us if we just gave up on her sister?"

"No of course not. I never said.. wait are you suggesting what I think you are? Soo.. we're on the same page?" I ask him trying to hide my smile.

"I just.. last year my whole world was just of one, you. Then I met this amazing kid who I would do absolutely anything for. Just 2 weeks ago, I find out she didnt come in 1. She has a sister? I mean we hit 2 birds with one stone. I want this kid, as much I wanted the one we have now. When I think about Kaydence, its like I want to be the best Male role model for her, that she has my full support, that I'll be there everytime she wins a superbowl. I wasn't prepared to be a father to Adrian, and no one really is ready for something like that but damn it, I want this kid" Servando tells me excitedly, and he even shifts in the bed like a cheerful kid.

"And I mean hell, I want to be the dad that yells at the coach for not putting my fuckin daughter in the game. I want to show her that not all men are misogynistic and that I'll always be her number 1." He pours out, and I grab his face to bring him into a loving kiss. We hear a knock on the door, and we pull away but still smiling.

"Is dad done confessing?"

We start laughing, and she comes in. She jumps on the bed.

"You guys are loud, and I really appreciate what you said." She tells Servando. She brings him into a hug. Servando kisses her forhead.

"Well let's book the tickets now, what do you think?" I say, and they nod excitedly. I go on my phone to look for tickets.


"I can't believe they are coming to meet you, are you excited?"

"Dude I'm nervous as hell. What if I'm not good enough, or something?" I start to panick. They'll be here in less then an hour. I'm trying clean the house as much as possible but Brandon and Jake are messy people. The Smith's, are making dinner and no offense, I didn't want the others eating with us. They'll just embarrass me, and I'm just making sure I do a good impression. After what seem like a decade, the doorbell rings. I open the door.

"Hey!" Adrian tackles me into a hug. I'm not a hugger at all, but for some reason. I let it happen. We pull away, I shake Alex and Servando's hand. They come in, and we make our way to the kitchen. Alright Kaydence make a good impression.

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