Wisdom Teeth

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"This is going to be so funny" Sam chuckles holding a camera up. She likes to record our funny moments, she's very attached on capturing the good times. Which I honestly don't mind, because if it makes her happy then I'm happy.

"We're going to use the camera real quick" The dentist tells me, and I open my mouth. I stare at Sam as she records, I hold my thumbs up.

Sam's PoV

As I watch my best friend in her process of  her wisdom teeth being removed. I had to capture the moments afterwards where she'll be heavily medicated because why not?

I take my seat next to Mrs. Morgan, which I'm still very nervous around. When Adrian told me who her parents were, I didn't believe her. Until she had invited me to her house, and I was completely starstruck. Her mom always thanks me for helping Adrian, and she never tells me specifically for what but I always know. I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I hadn't helped anyone that day, it's one of the things I do. When I met Adrian, she wasn't shy. I mean she didn't talk but it's because she doesn't like to talk unless she wants too. She needed help finding the history section of the library, her pride being in the way. She wanted to do it on her own, I wasn't going to let that happen. I helped her, and we talked about so many things. She did bring up that she was adopted, and that the one thing she can't live without in any sort of form.. is Soccer. When she started recovery after the shooting that happened at school, I made sure I was there for it. To make sure that even though there will be bad days to celebrate the little victories. It makes the recovery process easier to handle, to stay positive.

After 30 mins, the dentists grab a small cotton sheet to put it in Adrian's mouth. They discuss with Mrs. Morgan, and I take my camera out to record Adrian. They let me go into the surgery room they have her in. I'm followed shortly by Mrs. Morgan.

"Hey baby" Mrs. Morgan comments as she runs her hand through Adrian's hair. She looks drowsy, she's holding ice packs against her face but attempts to give her mom a big smile.

"They took my teeth out?" She slurs her words a little bit. She looks confused with her surrounding, and I chuckle because she has a very out of place look.

"Yes baby"

"What? No way" she says in disbelief. She holds the ice packs against her face as she looks at us in surprise.

"Sammy what are you doing here?" She asks me giggling. She tries to get up, but stumbles. The nurse gently brings her back on to the chair.

"I'm hungry" she tells us, her mom is signing something while I stand by her. They let her leave after a few more mins, they get her a wheel chair. The nurse pushes her out, as we make our way to the lobby. When we walk through the doors, she shouts.

"Hey! Thank you for coming out to support me" she tells the waiting patients in the lobby. They all smile, and go along with it. Mrs. Morgan just chuckles and walks ahead of us to get the car so she can drive up the entrance for us. As we wait, Adrian talks about nonsense.

"I think it's wearing off" she says quickly getting up from the wheel chair, she falls on her knees. She starts giggling, the nurse and I help her back on to the wheel chair.

"Welp. I was wrong" her face was serious for a second before she starts laughing again. Finally Mrs. Morgan pulls up, and she gets off. I open the passenger door, so we can help Adrian get on.

"Can we go to starbucks? My throat hurts, nevermind.. I'm thirsty" she mumbles as we put her in the passenger seat. We thank the nurse, and we hop on to the car. We'll be heading to Starbucks even though Adrian isn't getting anything. The ride there, she was making us laugh. I recorded the best I could, definitely showing Charlie later. Adrian's phone starts to ring, and I take it out of my pocket. Mal is requesting a facetime, and I accept it.

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