The Boy

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"How was school?" Alex picked me up from school, and now I have to tell her the news.

"Pretty good actually, found out Charlie comes here too. I went to practice and turns out, they only have a boys team"

"Do you still want to try out for the schools team?" Alex asks me as we drive back home, she holds wheel but turns to me every now and then. Even when I'm not talking or doing anything, is that like a mother instinct?

"I do, but do you think they'll let me play with them?"

"Yes, if you want it enough. You just keep pushing, and working hard until they will have to need you." She tells me, and she gently puts her hand on mine. Living with Alex and Servando, has been as good as ever. They show they care so much, and it's honestly refreshing. I never had a family before, and now I have everything. When we get home, I'm greeted by Blue, and I walk to the living room where Servando is. I tell him about my day, and he also encourages me to try out for the boys team even though I'm late.

"We have something to talk to you about, since you're going into a Thanksgiving break. Alex is going to her camp, do you want to go with her or stay with me?"

"I'll go with mom" I tell him, and I go up the stairs to my room.

Alex POV

"I never want her to stop calling me mom" I tell Servando who wraps his arms around me. He kisses my cheek.

"How is it that this beautiful girl, has stolen both of our hearts"

"Well Dad" I lovingly pat on his cheek "Remember that boy Charlie? He goes there too" his face drops, which makes me chuckle.

Adrian Pov:

Derek: Hey wanna slide the homework over?

Me: What's in it for me?

Derek: Isn't blessing you with my presence enough?

Me: Unfortunately for you, it's not.

"Hey kiddo shouldn't you be sleeping?"

I'm startled, and I drop my phone. Alex starts laughing, like she knew she caught me texting someone.

"Who's got you smiling?" She asks me curiously sitting on my bed, I turn my chair around to face her.

"Don't tell dad, but the only friend I made was a boy... and I think he's kinda cute" I tell her, she chuckles.

"I won't tell him yet, but eventually if you guys.. hmm I don't know start dating. You'll have to tell him" she tells me calmly. Alex is easy to talk too, which is good because I've never had someone like that. I get up from my computer chair, and stand in front of Alex. I pull her in for a hug, she hugs me tight. I feel safe, I feel home in her arms. I finally have a home.

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