Day After

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Alex POV

My daughters life has completely changed forever. The doctor told us they had to amputate her leg. They did surgery to get the bullet out of her chest, and that's all they had to do. Thank goodness to Adrian's Classmate Samantha, applied pressure on to the wound. It's only been a day since the tragic shooting that happened at her school. Families lost kids, and thank god that I wasn't one of those families. I've been praying so much for all families, and hoping Adrian will have the strength to get up everyday with a good mentality going forth. Next week they will be holding a vigil for those who have died and those recovering, at the school.

I sit at a chair beside Adrian's bed. Servando took the chair on the otherside. I hold her hand, the rooms quiet so all you hear is the peeping of the monitors. We don't have a room to ourselves, we share it with other injured kids. We wait patiently for her to wake up. I'm not ready for what comes next, who ever is?

My pride and US family are on standby, waiting for the news that she's awake. They sent her get well gifts and best regards. Samantha and Charlie call me almost every hour to know she's awake. Charlie told us that he was fortunately in gym when it happened, they were outside and ran from school campus. Derek was with him at the time, I know Adrian will be so happy to hear that her close friends weren't harmed.

Adrian PoV

I stir, I'm waking up but not fully opened my eyes. I hear a monitor peeping. By instinct, I roll to my right side to go back to sleep but what keeps me from doing so is the pain I get from my chest, and the fact that I can't lift my left leg. I finally open my eyes and I see my parents both staring at me. Soon reality hits me in the face.

I open my mouth but can't find the words to say. The both engulf me in a hug, they start crying. I start crying. When they pull away, I remember what happened before I lost consciousness. I look to my left leg, and I only see half of it. I start to tear up as all my walls crumple all together.

"It's going to be okay baby" Mom tells me with her head against mine, and she cups my cheeks. Dad wipes the tears away, even wipes his. I shake crying under my parents, for what seems like a long time. I fall asleep.

Alex PoV

I call my parents and tell them everything. They were upset that I hadn't mention any of it, but that they were happy for us. They are flying over to meet their new granddaughter and to check up on her because of what had happened. I texted the teams letting them know she's awaken but is resting. One thing I haven't told anyone is the amputation, except my parents. We hear a faint knock on the door, we look over and see Mal with roses.

"Come in" I tell her, and she comes in and sets the Rose's on the table.

"How is-" she stops herself as she looks at Adrian's left leg. She holds her mouth and tears up a little.

She takes Servandos empty chair, he's picking up my parents at the airport.

Adrian POV

I slowly feel myself starting to wake up, and I hear a familiar voice that I haven't heard in 3 days. I open my eyes and see Mal, and she notices me. She brings me into a gentle hug.

"I'm so freakin glad you're okay" she tells me, and I can hear her tearing up. We hug for a while, and when we pull away. I know I lost most of my leg but right now I'm just happy to be alive. 

"Is Sam and Charlie okay?" I ask my mom a little panicky, because I have no idea how they are. She puts her hand gently on mine.

"They're fine. In fact, they've been calling almost every hour to check up on you. Fortunately they weren't harmed" mom tells me. I feel myself relax, I'm very glad they're okay. Wait.. Derek.

"What about Derek?"

"He made it out with Charlie" She tells me, I nod and lay back down. Everything has changed, and I know it's not going to be easy. Soccer is going to be harder, let alone walking.

"When am I allowed to leave?" I ask my mom

"In a few days" she tells me calmly, and she just stares back at me. I give her a small smile, I reach over to hold her hand. I squeeze it lightly.

"Where's dad?"

"He's picking up your grandparents" she tells me nervously. I guess she told them about me, well I can't wait to meet them. I have to meet my whole family, I've already met my moms pride family. I've met her 22 best friends, my aunties. I know I have 2 more but still.

"I can't wait" I tell her, and she breaks into a grin. She leans up and kisses my forehead.

Next chapter will have a big time skip.

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