Duty, Honor & Country

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Kaydence POV

"It's a pleasure, you'll start your weekend training in 2 weeks. Be prepared, be on time. If you don't show up, you will not be paid. We'll keep in touch." I shake the man's hand. I grab my suitcase, and I leave the recruiting office. I step outside to my dads car and he looks at me sadly. I take my seat in the passenger's, my brothers sitting in the back.

"You really want to do this?"

"I do"

"Why?" He asks me before he turns the car on. My brothers sitting silently in the back, probably wanting to know the same answer.

"It feels right"

"When do you leave?"

"After graduation" I tell them.


A couple of days ago, Dad informed us that Kaydence is home. He has picked her up at a Marines Recruiting office. We knew what that meant, and I can't lie. I broke down a little bit, because I don't want her to go. My mom hasn't said much, other then cry a little bit to herself. We've got a few days ahead of us, we're so urgent to get home. My sister has finally texted us but it's short replies here and there. The team doesn't know, my mom told them she went home because she felt a little drowsy from "football practice" a day before we arrived here for camp.

"I can't wait to get home" I whisper to myself as I stretch. I came out on to the feild only a few mins ago. My mind only occupied by my sister. In my thoughts, I didn't hear someone sit on the grass next to me until they tap my shoulder.

"Hey you okay?"

"I could be better" I tell Brooke, and she hands me my prosthetic leg with my cleat already built in it. I attach the straps on to my stumb. She helps me up, and we just wait for everyone else to get out here.

"How far are you guys along school?"

"Only 2 months, and then I'm heading to North Carolina."

"Your parents are going to miss you, luckily for mine. I'll be attending the University of Oregon, only about an hour and 30 mins from Portland." She tells me as we wait along side the sidelines while trainers and staff set up.

"On an Academic scholarship?" I ask her

"Nope, Volleyball"

"No way" I start chuckling. She nods amusingly. Finally the team coming out, I get up to stand with them. Brooke finds her way to the bench, where she brought her backpack. Probably to do homework. Which reminds me, I gotta work on my Senior project when I get home.




"Soldiers, Soldiers, that's who we are!"



"For duty, honor and country, I'd give my life!"

It's the longest time I feel I've been jogging. You can't fall back to much, the unit will go back to your speed. You want to jog as a team, a unit. It's the weekend, and I should be with family but I've got to do this. I took the ASVAB, and to say I got a good score is an understatement. I scored high enough to get into the Airforce but I've reversed myself with the Marines, because that's where my parents were in. I've got half a month until I graduate. When mom got home after I signed up, she was quiet but she doesn't waste time to spend time with me. After PT is over, we cool off. Some of us, stay and talk.

"So what's your story Carassco, seeing you don't talk much" Adams, a guy in my unit. He thinks he's better then everyone, and its annoying but his humor makes up for it.

"I don't really think it's any of your business"

"I mean you're right, but we're a team or did you forget that? Why'd you decide to join?" He insists on knowing, and everyone sips on their water staring at me. I crush my water bottle, and throw it in a bin.

"Guess it just felt right, to serve and defend my country. My parents did it, I want to do it too" I tell them and I turn around, looking at the dog tags around my neck. I grab my duffle, and I walk away from them.

I get on my truck, and drive home.

Finally getting home, I walk into the living room. They're sitting around eating, and just talking, there's a movie on the screen that was paused.

"We didn't want to start without you" Dad tells me, as I set my stuff down. I smile, and I take my seat next to my sister, who was curled up into my moms arms. She's sleeping, I know she's tired. She trains non stop, and sometimes it takes a toll on her thigh.

"How is she?" I whisper to my mom, while the movie starts.

"She's tired. She tried fighting it until you got home but it beat her" Mom rasps out, and I nod leaning my head on Adrian's shoulder. I know moms been tired too, she has to drag everyone out of bed, take all of us to practice and make dinner, and she has to practice also.

We were watching a funny movie, and after a while. Adrian woke up, and we both cuddled up to our mom. A scene came on, and we all laughed. I look around, and see everyone smiling and enjoying the time with each other. This is it, this is the reason I'm enlisting. Ain't never letting anything hurt my family, I'll fight and protect with my last breath for them.

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