Mom & Dad's Cooking

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"WHAT ABOUT YOU CARRASCO, WHAT THE HELL DO YOUR PARENTS DO?" The Drill Instructor yells in my face, a spit landed on my cheek. I wish so much to wipe it away but I don't want to deal with punishment.

"Their professional soccer players!" I yell back.

"I'VE BEEN INFORMED THAT YOU'RE ADOPTED!" I knew they would be up and personal in my life. That's what they said in the beginning of our first day, they hear something about you.. they'll tell you about it. Guess word got around about me.

"I am!"

"WHY DIDN'T YOUR BIOLOGICAL PARENTS WANT YOU?!" Wow they don't hold back. They sure know where to hit you with personal questions, but fortunately this one doesn't effect me.

"They died overseas at an Afghanistan base, they were Marines!" I yell back, and it catches him off guard. He nods respectfully.

"DAMN IT PRIVATE, I HOPE YOUR PARENTS ARE RESTING IN PEACE!" After that, he walks to the next person beside me and yells at them.


"Hey dude, I stopped to get the mail" my roommate sits on her bed. She's also on the team, and she was the first person to talk to me I'm campus because we were both lost. She's also a very big fan of Alex Morgan.. well everyone on the team is jealous of me but not in a bad way sort of way. I told them they'd eventually get to meet Tobin, she said she would come to my important games.

"This ones for you" she hands me an envelope. One I know too familiar. I rip it open as carefully as possible.

"Woah dude, chill" she tells me, but they wouldn't understand because they don't know about my sister being in the marines. I open the letter.

Dear Adrian,

I miss you, a lot. I know you do too, I can feel it. Twin psychic powers I'm assuming. Thank you for your words of encouragement, you always know how to cheer me up. It's been kinda hard lately, it was expected. If it was easy, everyone would do it. It's very challenging in mindset aspect, theirs days I want to give up but I don't because of you. You're the strongest person I ever met, and I wish I was that way. If I had even the slightest strength you had, I would be doing so much. You live life to the fullest, and when someone challenges your ability over something like your leg.. you always prove them wrong. Don't ever stop that. Late at night, when everyones sleeping. I stay up and think about us, our family. I remember when we were at school, and some guys were bullying me because I was a girl on the football team. You stopped on your tracks when you saw them, and you were quick to defend me. Then they made fun of you, but you didn't care.. because I was all that mattered to you. Even when your so tired, you manage to smile.. and keep going. If there's anyone that's shown me how to live life gratefully.. it's you. You'll always be my hero. So don't worry so much about me, I'm doing just fine. I severely miss Mom and dad's cooking though! So when you get the chance to eat any of it, savor it for me! And tell Jake I'm kick his ass when I get back.

Kaydence Carrasco

"Letter from your lover?" Lauren asks me, standing over by me. I had totally forgotten I wasn't alone.

"What? No, it's from my sister" I tell her, and told the letter and put it in it's envelope. I put it next to the pile of other letters I've gotten from her.

"Why don't you guys just text each other like normal people?"

"If it only it were that easy huh?" I look at her, and she shrugs. "Anyway, let's get to practice or else, coach will have us by our necks"

We gather our stuff and head out the room, to practice. We're into the beginning of the semester, and my sister graduates less then a month. Time went by.. well it was long in the beginning but once you start counting the days closer to the big day, it felt faster. Hundreds of Marines, graduate every Friday, and my sister will be graduating on the first day of my first ever college soccer game.


Alex pov

"I miss them" I tell Syd, as I look at my lockscreen, a picture lingering in it of my beautiful family. In less than a year, I'll be attending the 2019 World Cup. And all I can think about is Kaydence, when she graduates.. where will she go? How long will it be until I see her?.

"Well at least one of them won't be too far away"

"It's not the same, when you have one of them.. you want the other one there too. It's weird but.. it's like.. they make a whole, their each others better half."

"How's Servando been holding up this past months"

"Just as worse as me, if not, more" I tell her. Servando really loves his girls, he literally facetimes Adrian as much as possible. As a teenager can be.. yeah she's annoyed but she gets it.  Sometimes we have to write two different letters to Kaydence because he literally tells her everything that's been going on, he even wrote a full summary on the NFL preseaon. He says he needs to keep her in touch with the outside world, and I just send her encouraging words. Telling her how much we miss and love her, but who am I kidding? I also catch her up on current shows.

"Do the girls know he's transfering to LA Galaxy?"

"Yeah Adrian does, Kaydence will know soon. When the letter gets to her"

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