Service Men & Marines

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It's been a few days since the commotion from the other night. A few of them heard it, considering they were yelling in the hallway. Although no one has mentioned it because my dear mom, has no idea.

We're currently doing a light training, since we play against France today. It's just one of the friendlies before the She Believes Cup. The game doesn't official start until 20 mins, which is fine. They've cleared me to go last night, when they made me do test runs to monitor my heart rate and my breathing. Taking a jog, and quick drills on the agility ladder to warm up. We take turns going up against each other, speeding through. I come to face Mal, and when a trainer blows the whistle. I try my best to get through the ladder as quickly as I can, but she beats me. I line up behind Dunny afterwards.

"You got it next time kid, don't sweat it. Just have fun" She tells me patting my shoulder, she gives me her famous Dunn smile. She really knows how to make someone smile, I'm happy there's someone like her that exists on this team. She always tries to see the good in every situation, and makes everything more fun then it may look. So I'll be taking her advice, more often. As the line moves up, and also piles behind. Christen being behind me, as she rest her head on my shoulder. Her hands on me arms, she's like a sister? Cousin? To me. I mean she's just really comforting, and welcoming.

As it's once again my turn, it was against Tobin. We both smirk at each other, because I'm known to be a younger version of her. Plus I got a little spice here and there, from my idols. Marta, My mom, Tobin and Iniesta from Barcelona. I have to learn from them, and their play. Knowing it's Tobin, I know it's serious but also for funsies.

We both go through the ladder at the same speed, and when we finish she playfully pushes me more to my side of the ladder. We both finished it at the same time, so it's not that bad.
After we go through other drills, we were let go. We walk to our lockers rooms, and I take mine next to my mom. Since they gave me the number 12. (Sorry TD). I start to take my training attire off, and dress into our kits. I make sure my prosthetic sock is appropriately adjusted so I don't get practically a blister on my stump. From the corner of my eye, I see my mom observing me. It seems like she wants to help me, but she's hesitant. I turn to her giving her a reassuring smile. Her shoulders relax, Moms.. am I right?

We're told the lineup, and I'll be playing along side Lindsey. My mom will not be playing today, but she's fine with it. That's what she seems to put off, considering she's more excited to see me play. When everyone is ready to go, we head out to line up. Everyone chatters quietly amongst themselves, while I just wait behind Sonnett.

"Oh my god!" We hear someone scream in pain with a slight whimper. We turn around to wear the sound came from. It was my mom clenching onto her phone while sobbing into Kelly's shoulder. I quickly push through to go to her.

"Mom what's wrong" my voice breaks because I never want to see her cry. She's practically shaking with her eyes closed shut as she stammers to stay up. She wants to hit the floor sobbing. Luckily Kelly is holding her for support. "Mom please" I beg her, she hands me the phone.


"Oh Adrian" I hear my dad choke out from the other side.

"What's going on?" I ask him pleadingly

"We had 2 servicemen show up at the house.." he doesn't continue without choking on his words. The hurt in his voice could be visible. As I stay strong enough to hear, the next words that come out of his mouth. "She's been reported missing.. they can't give us anymore details but they're trying their best to get everyone home" he finally finishes. I let out the breath, I forgot I was holding. She can't be gone though... just missing.. right? I mean I would have felt it. Twin power.. oh who am I kidding? That doesn't exist...

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