Captain America

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"Are you nervous?"

"No not really, just want to get this over with" I tell Sam, as we walk into the doors of the building we'll be graduating from in less than 2 hours. They told us to get here early, so we can take pictures with our fellow graduates and prepare ourselves. Jake and I wore a suit, Sam and Kaydence wore dresses that matched our suits. Speaking of Jake and Kaydence. Jake is chilling with his friends, and Kaydence with the football team. Sam and Charlie have been at my side since we got here, along side other friends I had made throughout the year. Chase also stood by my side, who is he you may ask? He's the guy who sat next to me as we both bled during the horrifying moment the past year. He was the one who I offered my jacket too.

"About a year ago, I didn't think I'd be standing here" he tells me as our other friends are goofing off and taking videos of each other.

"About a year ago, I wasn't even in Orlando.. I was in foster care"

"And now we're here graduating."  he tells me and I put my hand on his shoulder. Giving him a tight squeeze.

"What are you going to do after this?" I ask him, and he looks at me sadly.

"Guess we'll see where life takes me" he tells me, giving me a wink and I nod confused. Chase has family issues, that we don't bring up or ask unless he wants to talk about it. He's father is abusive, and an alcoholic. He doesn't have a mom, and he's the only child. He's still barely paying off the hospital bill.

"You'll be fine Pal, and you know if you ever need anything.. I'm here" I tell him, and he gives me a small smile along with a nod. My dad gave him a suit, since he was going to show up in his work boots and a plaid shirt. He would get in trouble, and I had asked my dad.

"Gotta thank your dad for helping me with the tye, but he still a little on edge about me cause your sister told him we're together after he had helped me" he tells me laughing.

"I'll tell him buddy" I chuckle.

Chase is also my sister's crush, and that had actually developed into.. well she loves him. She even begged him to join the Marines with her, so he can be away from his dad and actually be stable.

"Maybe you have to hear it from someone else.. You can do it you know? Leave it all behind and enlist. You don't owe him anything, and my sister would be the happiest girl alive if you went."

"Actually... I've already have. Just haven't found a way to tell your sister, she's been caught up in her stuff. I don't want to brother her" he tells me, and I give him a straight face. Which causes him to chuckle.

"It's crazy how different you both are but look so alike" he tells me in a fit of laughter. My sister was standing next to me the entire time, scaring the heck out of me.

"Dude you almost made me piss in my pants" and she starts laughing with Chase. She stood beside Chase, and she observed him in his tux. Complementing him, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. I took my phone out and took a picture of them. They'll thank me later.

"I'm gonna miss you dude" Sam tells me as her emotions start to kick in. Sam has stuck by myside through it all, barely have known me.. she saved my life. I consider her my sister from a different mister and Misses.

"I have a surprise for you" I tell her, her eyes widen an excitement. "You thought meeting my mom was big.. we wanted to invite your family to our small get together at my house.. and by small, I mean big. All my aunts are going to be there"

"Oh my gosh!! Dude I'm so going! I get to meet the whole team!?"

I nod, and I start laughing. It was honestly suppose to be only family, but my parents know how much Sam, Charlie mean so much to me. Kaydence gets to bring Chase also, and well Jake.. he really only wants to be with us.

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