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I head downstairs.

"What's up?" I ask the Smiths, it's a group home I'm living in. I have 4 siblings, not related of course. I'm the only child, not that my real parents didn't want me. They were in the military, and things didn't pan out for them.

"Coach called, he says the school your playing against they're rioting, they don't want you to play"

"That's bullshit!" I scream in frustration. That's the 3rd time this season that a school doesnt want me to play.

"Language honey. Just sit out on this one okay?"

I groan, and I grab my football. I walk out the house, I don't have to tell them where I'm going. They always know. I walk to the nearest park, and just lay on the grass. I hug my football. This is where I'm safest. As I stare at the sky, the clouds moving. I always go back to the feeling in my heart that's missing. The part that not even football can satisfy. I tried dating, but still not enough, and nothing seems to replace the void. It feels like I lost something I didn't know I had.

"Hey they called me, and told me to come over to check up on you" I sit up.

"Ooh great, and now you're here to annoy me with your science facts" I tell her amusingly. She doesn't actually annoy me but I wouldn't tell her that. She scoffs, playfully pushing me back to the ground.

"They told me what happened, such bullshit dude"

"That's what I said" we chuckle. Heather is my best friend, and she never fonders to tell me what she learned today from the science books she reads. Believe it or not, she doesn't want to be a scientist. She wants to coach football, and that's how our friendship started. Freshman year, I was trying out for football while she was watching it. She even has her own playbook, and after my first ever practice. It took some convincing on coach but he took his chance on me. I was walking to the bench being criticized by the guys, she told them to fuck off and that she can run circles around them. Which she can, she's on the track team.

"Do you know who their replacing you with?"


"We're fucked" she says, I nod laughing. It's only preseason though. We aren't to worry about it, it just sucks that I barley play. I mean who was I kidding? I'm a girl playing football, I knew how it was going to be. Doesnt mean it's not going to bother me.

"So have you tried to reach out to your doubleganger?"

I look at her like she said something stupid, which I earn a glare back for.

"No, why would I?"

"What if she's like a lost twin?"

"Either way, she's living a better life then I am" I tell her, and since she's Alex Morgan's daughter.. they live Orlando. I live in California. The otherside of the country.

"Isn't it weird though? I mean she's adopted too. It has to be your long lost twin sister dude!" She slaps my shoulder excitedly. I change the subject, and we talk about other things. As it the sun starts to set, we walk home. We live right next door to each other. I watch her get into her house before I go in mine.

"Kay-D in the house" Brandon yells in the house as he throws a football in the air and jumps of the couch to catch it, sidelining me in the process. He runs into the other couch throwing his hands up.

"Touch down! .. - Did you see that? I just played Wide Receiver better then you" he tells me getting all up in my face. I push his head back. He's 14, and I can kick his ass. I leave him downstairs, and I make my way to my room.

"How was your date with your girlfriend?"

"Once again, Heather is not my girlfriend. I'm not gay!" I grab a pillow and throw it at Mykayla. She's 15, and obnoxiously annoying, but in a little sister kind of way. Where she will tell on you for talking on the phone with your boyfriend late at night. Yeah that one.
This house is never quiet honestly, Jake who is the same age as me. He plays his rock music.. loud as fuck at like 12 in the morning. Brandon bangs on the wall with his stupid ball. Mykayla is on the phone with her annoying friends gossiping. Steph is quiet but she can get pretty loud when her and Mykayla can't agree on something.. which is usually all the time, she's 16. Me? I just throw my plush football in the air while I lay down, and I have nothing else to do. I'm the quiet one. I pull out my phone, as I go through the pictures of the girl who looks like me. I build the courage to message her on Instagram.

Me: Hi I'm Kaydence

I accident sent it. What a shitty introduction. I click on it to delete until she reads it. Well here goes nothing. Soon it just says "Seen" under the message. Great.


"Mom, check this out" I give my mom the phone, and she clicks through the pictures of the girl named Kaydence. The one people called me after, she looks just like me. One of her main pictures, she's wearing football gear. She had messaged me, and I just had to click on her profile.

"Wow she looks just like you, Babe!" Mom calls for dad, he makes his way over. She shows him the picture.

"No way, you played football kiddo?" He asks me astonished. Alex tabs the phone against his chest so he can pay attention to the actual picture.

"That's not me dad" I tell him, and he grabs the phone from mom. He looks confused as hell.

"Should I try umm.. Facetimeing her?" I ask my parents, my mom shakes her head. My dad nods. I chuckle, I grab my phone back. I message her back.

Me: Hey can we try face timing?

Kaydence: Sure, I mean it'll be like looking in a mirror

Me: good one

I give her my number.

"Are you really going to face time with her?" Mom asks me, and I nod.

Alex POV

Not that I don't want her to get to know this girl or anything but.. what if the adoption agency got it wrong, and her parents are actually alive. And this girl Kaydence is living with them. Then.. Adrian is sent back to them. I mean I don't want to keep her from family but.... gosh I can't get emotional right now. Not in front of her.

Adrian pov

My phone screen lights up, and someone is calling me. I answer it.

"Holy crap" we both say, it's not fake. We really do look alike. We both look astonished. Mom leans over and sees her too, she's wide eyed.

"So uh, I mean.. I don't where to start.. do you know your parents?" I ask her, and I see my mom flinch at the question.

"No, they uh, died when I was 2. They were in the military"

"Wait what!"

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