Roger Davis- Big Break (c)

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Like everyone else in your neighbourhood, you were a creative mind struggling to get by or find a job in the field that you loved so dearly. You desperately wanted to be a singer and you knew you could be successful if you were to get your big break, but it didn't seem to be anywhere nearby. The only time you got a gig, it was for a small bar where you would mostly get offers for other services but got at least enough money from singing to get you a hot meal and pay something towards your rent.

It was at one of your dingy bar gigs that you met Mark. He told you that he was a filmmaker and was making a short film that he thought that you could sing for. At first you did have to weigh up the options of him murdering you but after meeting up publicly a few times, you decided that you were happy to work on his project if it meant get your name out and gaining a bit of money. You became friends quickly as you worked closely together for his project until he invited you to his loft to rehearse with his roommate that had written the song that you had been practicing over the last few weeks.

Mark let you into the loft and introduced you to Roger who had written the song and would be playing the guitar for the short film as well. You didn't get much in past minimal pleasantries before Mark got the two of you to practice the song a handful of times before going to grab you both a drink in the short break you were allowed to have from his regime.

"You have a beautiful voice," Roger smiled softly, not looking up from his guitar, avoiding your gaze.

"Thank you. It hard to not make a song like that sound beautiful," you responded. "You're a really talented writer."

He looked up from the guitar, taking a moment to take you in, letting out a small content smile.

"Mark told me that you would be perfect for this project, but I couldn't have imagined anyone make the most out of my song."

"When I first met him, I honestly didn't expect much from this project but it's just showing how much of a shame that the two of you don't get steady work, you're both amazing at what you do."

"Well with you on the project, it might be all of our big break."


Written by Charlotte.

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