Roger Davis- Alley: Part 1 (c)

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When you first started dating Roger, you believed that he would be there forever, that your relationship would last until your dying breath but like with a lot of things, you were wrong. It had started off with so much love and joy and you didn't know how anything would ever change from that, but Roger had different ideas. Even if things started off happily, he clearly didn't feel the same and begun pushing you away until you finally reached your breaking point and ended the relationship. It hurt to admit that you couldn't handle the relationship with him, but he clearly wanted to end things but didn't have the courage to do it himself.

To try and recover from the heartbreak, you decided to go out drinking and hope that the alcohol would numb you enough to stop you from thinking about Roger. You had started off your drinking with one of your friends but they were responsible and didn't want to get completely wasted with you and decided to leave. You didn't want to drink alone, but if that's what it was then you were going to continue.

Your problem of being alone didn't last very long as the man who had been sat on the other end of the bar had moved up to sit beside you and took over your tab, buying you a new drink before you had taken the last mouthful of the previous. He had told you his name, but you hadn't cared enough to listen and was just happy to laugh and talk with him, letting your head start to go fuzzy.

Someone touched your shoulder, making you jump.

"Roger?" You questioned, holding onto the bar to try and not fall out of your seat.

"Y/F/N called me and said you were here. She was worried," he stated.

"I'm fine," you spat. "We're fine."

You slapped the thigh of the man who sat next to you to make sure that Roger knew that you had company.

"Who's this?" Roger asked. "Do you even know him?"

"Who she talks to is none of your business," the man beside you said standing up from his stool.

Before either man were able to say anything to each other, the bartended had handed over the two glasses to your companion of new drinks, him then passing over the one for you.

"Is he getting you drunk?" Roger frowned.

You tried to keep balance as you also rose to your feet, swaying slightly in your drunken state.

"That is none of your business," you said, poking a finger into Roger's chest. "Despite what you think, I am completely capable of taking care of myself."

Your male companion linked his arm with yours.

"I think we should get out of here," he said, looking down at you.

The drink in your hand was quickly downed and slammed back onto the bar before you gave Roger a peeved smile, knowing he wouldn't be pleased with your decision to leave with the stranger.

"Don't go with him Y/N," Roger warned.

You shook your head at him. "You don't get a say in what I do."

With your arms linked with the stranger, you let him guide your wobbly body towards the door and out of the bar, leaving Roger alone in the bar.


Written by Charlotte.

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