Mark Cohen- Purpose (c)

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Every day you got home after dark, and within a few hours had to leave again. Work was your life, nothing else had time around the schedule you had for work. It was gone midnight when you crawled into your loft that night. As you closed the door, you attempted to be quiet as to not wake Mark or Roger, but it didn't matter, Mark was sat on the sofa waiting for you.

"Hi," you said softly, rather tired, and desperate to curl up in your bed to get as much sleep as you could before starting everything again at six.

"You were supposed to be home two hours ago," he frowned.

"I'm sorry Angela's been riding my arse about the next line and wouldn't let me leave," you apologised.

Angela French was a designer based in New York. She had a popular range of clothes and you were beyond lucky to have a job with her. She paid well for being an assistant, however it wasn't enough when you factored in how much she made you to do on top of your job description. You were proud of your job, but you hated the fact that Monday to Friday you worked until late before having to go back in early, meaning no time was left for you and your partner Mark. This was a problem especially when you considered that you hadn't had a weekend free for the last eighteen months as something always popped up, forcing you to go into work for part, if not all of the weekend.

Before you even reached the sofa to sit with Mark, your phone begun to ring. You pulled it out of your pocket to see the number you dreaded.

"Hello Miss French," you said softly, giving Mark an apologetic smile.

Angela told you of how terrible of a job you had done and that you must be into work five at the latest to make up for your failure today. You agreed reluctantly before hanging up. The phones screen hadn't turned off before the tears fell down your face.

Mark rushed to your side, holding you close to him to support you as you sobbed into his shoulder.

"I don't know what to do Mark," you sobbed. "Without that job, I'm nothing. She's going to sack me if I don't work harder. This is my purpose, but I don't think I can handle it much longer."

He shushed you, as he held you back, so you had to look him in the eyes.

"Don't be stupid Y/N. You are worth more than your purpose. I hate that I have to remind you that," he said softly. "It may be a prestigious job, but its not worth it. You're going to kill yourself with how hard you work. You've not eaten for three days, and that's certainly not the longest you've gone. You don't sleep, and you never just rest. You need to take some time for yourself and if that woman decides to let you go, then that's on her, that's her loss, but you have a bright future and you'll find somewhere else."

You smiled weakly at him. He always knew what to say to make you feel better.

"Thank you, Mark. I'll phone Angela in the morning and tell her I need a couple of days and if she doesn't like it then I'll find somewhere else," you whispered. "Thank you for putting up with me."

"It's not putting up with. I love you," he smiled, pressing his lips to your cheek.

"I love you too."


Written by Charlotte.

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Rent One Shots and ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora