Mark Cohen- Documentary: Part 3 (c)

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Time was the best way to heal. It took some time, but Mark was back to his chipper self, smiling through the darkness and giving you a reason to be optimistic. You had come to terms with the fact that you would only ever be friends however you did hope the friendship would continue outside of feeding the homeless.

The two of you had shared out all the food you had brought and headed back towards where he left his bike and where you would be headed to walk home. It had become a routine for you to walk with him whilst he pedalled along until you went your separate ways home.

"So how is your documentary coming along?" You asked.

He let out a laugh. "Not great. I haven't gotten too much more done. I've had some issues with my land lord. He's hiked up the rent and seen as Roger and I were used to having five of us, and one of them now being the land lord it's a bit of a bastard so I haven't had a chance to do anything."

You gave him a sympathetic smile. It was almost impossible to find a reliable land lord at the moment, so everyone was on edge, the chance that you would be thrown onto the street by them because you can't pay what they expect month to month. There wasn't a consistency to rent.

"I'm sorry, I hope that it will get better. I have every hope you will finish your documentary and I'm sure you will get it finished," you said assured of Mark.

"I hope so," he shrugged.

Mark threw his leg over the bike to straddle it, going to push the peddle but paused.

"Are you okay?" You asked, cocking your eyebrow.

"Yeah," he said looking off into the distance. "Can I ask your something?"


It did unnerve you slightly that he seemed to fall rather serious over the matter. You couldn't imagine it was going to be a question about something that was run of the mill.

"It's okay for you to say no," he sighed looking you in the eyes, his cheeks flushing. "Would you want to go out for dinner with me? Like... uhm... as a date?"

Your heart fluttered. Did he actually just ask you out on a date? How could he possibly like you? As quickly as the excitement hit you, your heart sunk once more.

"Why would you want to go on a date with me?" You whispered. "I'm nothing like her."

All that swirled your mind was all Mark had told you about Maureen. He had fallen in love with her, but you were nothing like her, how could he like you both?

"Who?" He questioned.

"Maureen," you sighed. "I'm nothing like her."

He let out a laugh, which made your expression drop further. Was he laughing at you in a mocking way? You hoped not.

"Why would you want to be like her?" He asked.

"You liked her. You were with her. How could you like me?" You whispered.

He shook his head, rolling his eyes at you.

"We broke up. If we were meant to be together than I would still be with her, it clearly didn't work, so it must work with someone whom is far from like her. Someone whom is genuine and someone who cares, and that is you," he smiled at you.

You couldn't help but your cheeks becoming bright red at his comment.

"Well Mark, I would very much like to go to dinner with you, as a date."


Written by Charlotte.

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