Roger Davis- Scrimp (c)

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"Roger, I'm home," you called out as you entered the loft, knowing he would still be there.

"Where did you go?" He called back.

You had headed out of the house early in the morning before he had woken up to get ready for Christmas. It was barely the start of December but you wanted to make the usually rather dreary loft look at least a little festive even if it wasn't a lot as you didn't have the funds for anything fancy. You knew well enough that your boyfriend Roger and your roommate Mark wouldn't want to waste money on anything for Christmas, but you wanted to at least offer a little bit of joy to the household.

"Christmas shopping."

Roger peered around the doorway to your bedroom, a confused look on his face.

"What the hell do we need for Christmas?" He asked.

"I know we don't have the money for anything remotely decent for Christmas and as we do every year, presents will pretty much be what we can find on the streets or for under a dollar but I thought I'd get some decorations to try and make this place look less depressing."

"Where did you get the money for decorations?"

You shrugged your shoulders. "I found a couple of dollar's worth of change down the back of the sofa, I sold my old boots and I found a five dollar bill on the subway. It was scrimped together the best that I could."

He knew how much Christmas meant to you and was glad that you had been able to get some form of festivities for your home when he was unable to offer you that normally.

"What did you get?" He asked.

You begun to rummage through your bags and begun to pull things out as you told him about them.

"I found this bush thing in the corner of a store, they were planning to chuck it out as it has seen better days but it kind of looks like a Christmas tree and I thought we can decorate that seen as I got it for free. I bought some wrapping paper and then I grabbed some random things I found in the bin and on the street that I thought I could clean up and wrap to turn into decorations. I also got some tin foil and I'm going to try and make a star from it to put on top," you smiled proud of your ideas. "I got some tinsel and a few hanging decorations to hang up around the place and even some candles to try and make the place look a bit brighter. I know it's not a lot but I'm hoping it will make a difference."

Roger gave you a soft smile. "It will be perfect."


Written by Charlotte.

Rent One Shots and ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora