Mark Cohen- Tears (c)

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Tears begun to run down your cheeks as your lower lip begun to tremble terribly. Your fingers dug into the handles of your bags, wishing that the part of you that wanted to throw them away and not leave was stronger than the reasonable side that knew that moving was the right option.

Mark was stood before you, trying to keep a brave face. The two of you had been friends for years but a mere three months ago you had started officially dating, having tested the waters a little before that and realising there was something more than just friendship.

"I'm going to miss you," you croaked, trying not to look out into the street to see if your taxi was nearby, hoping it was lost and not coming to take you away to the airport.

"I'm going to miss you too," he said, taking your hand from one of your bags, letting him wrap his fingers around your own and give you a warm squeeze. "But I am only a phone call away and once you're settled in, I will come and visit."

You had gotten a job opportunity that you had wanted for years, the only downside to it was that it was on the other side of the country and your relationship to Mark, although strong, was far too new for you to even consider asking him to take that leap with you. You couldn't say no to the offer, instead you had to accept the anxieties and nerves that came with leaving your boyfriend in New York.

"I don't want to lose you. I don't want you to forget me or move on to someone else," you admitted, having tried to keep your thoughts to yourself but needed to clear your chest before you left.

"You don't need to worry about that," he assured you. "No matter where you go, how long you're gone, even if you fall in love with someone else, I will always be here for you. Always."

More tears begun to fall as the taxi pulled up to the side of you.

"I'm going to phone you as soon as I land. And then we can sort out a flight for you to come visit," you stated. "We are going to make this work."

"I believe we can do this," he said.

Mark helped you load the taxi with your bags, closing the boot and instantly enveloping you in a tight embrace.

"You mean the world to me... even if you're going to be a world away."

"You'll be there with me soon."

You exchanged a tear filled kiss before you got into the taxi and tried to contain further emotions before you ended up a complete wreck on your journey to the airport.


Written by Charlotte.

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