Roger Davis- A Heart Full Of Love: Part 1 (c)

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Getting your break on Broadway was your dream since childhood. You had always wanted to be a star, specifically on the stage but you had started to doubt it would ever happen. There weren't many roles for Latina women on Broadway, so it felt as though you had failed the genetic lottery. Luckily with dying your hair blonde and finding an open-minded casting director, you had been found perfect for the role of Cosette in the new run of Les Misérables. So many beautiful blonde women queued up for the chance of being on the stage, but you were picked, and it brought you great joy.

You didn't mind the hard work of constant rehearsals and practising in your own time, all you cared about was that you were finally being able to live your dream. Every night on stage, you felt like you were finally home, finally in the place where you had felt like you should belong. You were beyond excited about your job, but your sister Mimi, a year your junior, seemed to be even more excited about it. She was proud of how much work you had put in to receive your dream and was your number one supporter.

Mimi had come to watch you on opening night and had saved her money to come to another show and bring her friends. You helped her out to get seven tickets for her and her friends and they trekked the hour across New York to get to the theatre.

She waited for you outside of the theatre after the show to let you get changed back into your normal clothing and speak with other theatre goers at the stage door. Mimi stood with her friends and gave you the biggest hug as soon as she saw you. She insisted on going to a bar, so you led them to a reasonably priced one that you thought they would like.

You were told each of her friend's names and introduced to them, including her ex-boyfriend, Roger. Mimi went off to get another drink and everyone else was talking amongst themselves leaving you with Roger.

"You're very talented," he stated. "It was hard to take my eyes off of you on stage."

Warmth came to your cheeks as you took a sip of your drink.

"Thank you," you said softly, barely audible over the volume of the bar. "Mimi mentioned you're a musician."

He nodded his head.

"Maybe you could show me sometime."


Written by Charlotte.

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