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Chapter 14 // Fiancee

- Rubyjane

I took a deep breath first before I slowly turned around.

The first thing I saw was the blood on his white long sleeve polo and the three of its buttons are open showing his manly chest.

I don't know why but my blood immediately boiled. I forgot what I need to him, I forgot that I should ask for his help to get me out of here. Because to what I saw it made me fuming in mad while I walked towards him.

"Why did you got shot?!" I asked looking at him directly.

The side of his lips rose up as if he was amused of something. It only irritated me more.

"I am asking you why are you being shot?! Are you not even aware of this--"

"Why? Are you concerned about me? Hmm?"

My breathing stopped, I blinked numerous times out of shock when he bend down and leaned closer to level my face.

I look away. No, I can take his stares. It was too much for me to handle.

"Cat got your tongue now, baby?"

To what he asked made me faced him. He was smirking but it immediately disappeared, her eyes and expression darkened.

"Care to tell me why are you here, Ms. Rubyjane? I thought we're enemies? You already killed half of my mens and now you're here? It looks like you're not afraid of death, baby."

How the fuck did he even recognized me at the first place? As far as I know I kept changing my look so how-- fuck. No wonder he's one of the smartest student in our section!

You're so stupid, Jennie! Why are you not using your mind? You're smart right? Why didn't you noticed that Taehyung is the Vile Blaze leader?! Damn! I'm so doomed.

"I killed them because they attacked our mens first!" Why do I kept avoiding his eyes?!

"They attacked them first because Kai declined our offer and even robbed our guns that came from italy." Vladimir said that made my eyes widen. This time he finally caught my eyes.

"W-what?! Kai didn't inform us with  that!" I said. "So, Vile Blaze wasn't the group who almost blew up our university?"

He laughed. "Why would I bombed up my grandfather's university? Actually we're already aware with that, but our job became easier because you already finished them all. Thank you." He chuckled as if he was mocking me or something.

Oh god... Why didn't we have thought of that?! All of us thought it was Vile Blaze plan but-- damn you Kim Jongin! Wait till I get out of this hell!

"Don't worry, I will act like I am not your first kiss." He said before he bit his lower lip. Stopping his self to laugh, when I was about to glare at him he was already walking away!


He's indeed an asshole!

"Yah! You-- come here!" I followed him. "Vladimir don't just go around by yourself--"

I was shocked when Taehyung immediately pulled me with him and hid in the dark corner.

"I saw them here! I'm sure of it!"

"Was it really Vladimir and Queen J?"

"Yes! I am sure of it, Sir!"

"I thought they are enemies? Why are they talking to each other?! This is not good! Boss will be mad if this news reached him! Kill them immediately!"

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