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Chapter 18 // Date

- Jennie

After the traumatic examination I have been through, few days later the grades have been released. And yes, of course. I am still a dean's lister and I am really shocked that I didn't failed my math.

Well, luckily. Thanks to the one who helped me and slyly stole a kiss from me as a payment.

And I am not even shocked when I saw him still in the dean's lister too together with Wonwoo. Only the three of us got in, in the dean's listers since this 3rd year is really hard especially for the laws.

Sharp IQ and good memorization is really needed for those laws. I actually even helped Mina and Joy because they are really stressed out. Good thing, they are good learners.

Semi finals, and Finals have passed. And yup, we're finally moving to our final year in college.

To be honest, lots of things happened this school year compared when we're still first year and second year college.

Our missions are still not included to that 'lots of things'. It was indeed tiring, but honestly. Having my friends around me really comforts me now.

I like to be alone, but they changed it. They would always accompany me whenever I go. Especially my new dog, named Kim Taehyung.

Yes, new dog. He keps following me, even at my penthouse and sits there comfortably as if it was his home too. *Rolls eyes*

Tannie and Yeonnie are now big as a normal dog and they are really scary. Because you might have thought they would bite and eat you alive. But no, Taehyung and I trained them and even tame the both of them.

They are really friendly, opposite to what usually a polar bear does. And because of that I really loved them so much as if they are my family since I don't have one.

Speaking of family, Mom are now talking to me. I know it's weird, but I can't just ignored her or what. She is still my mother after all. While my Dad, he's still unknown.

"Where are you going? Examination for your scholarship?" I am not surprised when Taehyung barged inside my penthouse as he saw me wearing my shoes.

"No, Wonwoo asked me to have a dinner with him." I said before glancing at him.

I saw how his smile slowly fades away. But he clears his throat and smiled again. Hiding his true feelings.

What's wrong with him?

"He asked you out?" Okay, that surprised me. His voice were cold and serious now.

"Uh... Yes? Why? Is there any problem with that?" I raised a brow at him.

"Nothing." He smiled. But it was obviously fake. "Enjoy." After he said that one word he immediately left.

Phew... So he was colder than I am huh?

As I finished tying my shoe lace, it was also exactly my phone rang.

"Uhmm... Hello?"

"Where are you, Jennie?" Wonwoo's deep voice invaded my ears.

"I am now done, currently going out. How 'bout you?" I ask as I fixed my hair and face mask in the mirror.

"I'm at your door." He said that made my eyes widen. I almost dropped my phone!

I hurriedly open the door and he was there. Standing tall and looking so damn handsome.

 Standing tall and looking so damn handsome

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