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Chapter 19 // Ambush

- Jennie

"Thanks for today, Jennie." Wonwoo gave me small but contented smile after we went out.

"It's nothing!" I hit his chest with my fist. "Uh... Do you want to come in?" I offered as I opened the door of my penthouse wider for him.

"C-can I?" He asked a bit nervous that made me chuckle.

"Really? Jeon Wonwoo is nervous?" I teased him making his ears turned red. "Don't worry we won't do sinful things inside." I chuckled.

"It's not like that!" He immediately defended.

"Come, I will show you my babies." I smiled again. That made his expression change into a confused one.

I made a familiar whistle sound when I went inside followed by Wonwoo on my back.

After doing the whistle thing, a loud thud and heavy footsteps can be heard from the second floor. Just seconds passed, the two polar bear Yeonnie and Tannie are now running as fast as they could towards me. They are even pushing each other and biting each other just to reach me first.

Such a cuties!

"Polar Bears?" Wonwoo asked really confused and a bit shock.

"Yup!" I nodded before facing the two and I sat down on the floor opening my arms for my two babies.

Yeonnie and Tannie ran towards my arms, I hugged the two of them tight as I felt I kinda missed them when we just saw each other earlier before I leave.

I heard Wonwoo chuckled when the two polar bear licked my face. "Yah! Stop!" I said laughing, pushing the two little ones.

But they kept on pushing theirselves on my neck and keep licking my face.

"You two, that's not the good way of greeting your mom." I was taken a back when a husky deep voice talked that came from the stairs.

Yeonnie and Tannie left my arms. They went to the direction where the stairs is.
stern and cold as if he was mad on something. His eyes were dark and he was glaring on Wonwoo.

"W-what are you doing in here, Taehyung?!" Oh fuck, why did I stuttered?! I changed my gaze from him to Wonwoo.

And hell, they are exchanging glares. I can feel the tension between them! What the hell is going on??

"Do you know what time is it now, Jennie Kim?" My eyes widen but I didn't let him notice that.

Did he just called me on my full name? He only calls me that if he was mad! And why is he? We're fine before I left earlier! So what happened why is he acting like this?

"That's why, I send her home. To make sure she's safe." Wonwoo calmly said but his eyes were piercing darkly on Taehyung.

"Taehyung..." I muttered his name after I let out a sighed. "First of all, why are you here in my penthouse without my permission of without informing me. Second, you don't have the right to question my decision, it is my decision to go home late."

"Who said I don't have the right? Of course, I have the right to make sure that  their mom is safe." Taehyung said coldly when he went to the final step of the stairs.

I was taken back to his words. He does really call me the mom of his baby bears. It was mine, yes he gave it to me but still...

Why is my heart beating like this, oh god... Wil you calm down please?!

Just what like dogs do, when the two polar bear sniffed the scent of their dad, they immediately went to him and snuggle on its feet.

"It's not right for mom to go home late, right Yeonnie and Tannie?" Taehyung talked to the little ones as if they would answer him.

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